Page 24 of The Strangling

"It helps release the flavor from the apple shards, and on a cold night, it warms the spirit."

"Your family is lucky to have such a knowledgeable young woman in their fold.” Already he found he wanted to keep her with him longer than for the duration of the task they had to undertake.

"Will they know I am safe?"

He nodded, pleased that she considered herself safe with him. “The elders at Western Tor will have reassured them.” When he saw the frown gathering between her brows he reached to touch her. “You will see them again soon, trust me."

She returned his gesture. “I do. What of your family, Bron?"

"I have no blood kin. I was brought to the elders an orphan. They became my family.” He'd never told that to anyone outside of the settle, and yet it felt right, if a little difficult, to tell her, now. She nodded, and he saw cautious affection in her eyes, but she didn't comment any further on it, which relieved him.

"Now, tell me,” she said, “what has Veldor to do with all this?"

He noticed that her thoughts were still racing on, despite the moment of reflection and the shifting atmosphere of desire enveloping them.

"Veldor studied the elder ways alongside me, at Western Tor. He was a wild one, though, and he broke away with only partial knowledge of the ways, taking another good man with him."



"I sensed that he wasn't entirely willing."

Bron noted her words, but didn't comment. “It's been many moons since we've seen them. But they have come back.” He was unsure how much he wanted to tell her of Veldor and his intentions.

"Why did he come back now?"

There didn't seem to be any escape from her questions. Besides, he needed to be as honest as possible with her on the matter, to arm her for what dangers lay ahead. “I do not understand it fully myself. Our role in this was to be gatekeepers, to turn back the curse and protect Edren. Veldor seems to want more than that. He hinted to me that he wanted to exploit the powers that would be unleashed on Samhain."

Her eyes rounded. “And he needs a woman for that?"

Not just any woman. He couldn't bring himself to respond, but she read the answer in his eyes.

She shivered and shot a glance at the door, where the wind still hammered. “What i

f he finds us here?"

"Please, don't fret. He cannot find us here. I have veiled the place; it cannot be found by anyone but me. Here, you are safe."

She nodded. “That makes sense. I was tired when we arrived, barely awake, but I recall the place seemed to shimmer and rise suddenly."

"There is a veil of light that hides it from passers by. Tomorrow I will show you. You will understand."

She fell silent awhile, taking in the information.

He admired her resilience, but he wanted to direct her thoughts away from Veldor who, although a thorn in his side, was not something he wanted to worry her with.

"Maerose, I know this was a tall tale for you to take on, but with time it will begin to make sense. What is it that you are having the hardest time with?"

She looked thoughtful, pursing her lips. “Three things. The first is you."


"What you did, how you changed. You were all light and shadow, like an angel sent from the gods of the sky.” Her hand moved through the air, her gaze in the mid distance, where he sensed she was reliving her rescue.

He had never felt less like an angel, watching her move that way, her body undulating against the pillow she sat upon. He wanted her to move like that while riding him. He forced the image away as best he could. For the time being. “I would need some length of time to explain, but I promise I will."

He hesitated. Things would be simpler if she learned the order of the world first, before the ultimate ways of the spirit.