Page 6 of Caught in the Act

She wished he wasn’t wearing sunglasses. It unnerved her that she couldn’t see his eyes. His jaw looked as if it was made of granite and he had a scar across one cheekbone.

“Turn around and put your hands up against the roof of the car.”

A rush of humiliation hit her as she did as instructed, resting her keys on the car roof and then flattening her palms against it.

“Can I get some assistance here?” The officer shouted toward the parked car.

Assistance? Something wasn’t right here. Surely you didn’t have to be searched for a traffic violation—or even several road traffic violations—and especially not by two of them. She heard a car door slam, then footsteps. The tension at her back intensified, the scrutiny of the two men behind her making the skin on her back prickle. She moved her head, trying to see their reflections in the windows of the car.

“Hold it right there.” Strong, male hands moved under her arms and down her sides, patting her down. Blushing furiously, she prayed the neighbors weren’t watching. His hands slowed to a stroke at thigh level and he lingered there a moment, before he stood up and drew her hands together behind her back. Whoever it was—and she guessed it was the second bloke—she could feel his breath warm against her neck.

“You’ve acted inappropriately, but I’m willing to let you off with a verbal reprimand, if you take what I have to say seriously.”

Something like déjà vu tickled her mind. Her spine straightened, her faculties gathering. Oh, that voice. Her head jerked as she tried to look back at him. Something cold and metal slid into place around her wrists, and she heard the click as she realized who and what it was—handcuffs.

“Liam,” she said in disbelief, staggering on her heels. “You followed me home!”

“Step inside.” His voice was gruff. “I need to talk to you.” One strong arm around her waist held her steady, the other snatched up her keys from the car roof. “Do you agree to hear me out?”

“You bastard—you can’t just come around here and tie me up like some egotistical caveman.” Jolting forward, she leaned against the car, pulling away from him with all her might.

“If that’s what it takes..” He grunted, hauling her away from the car, where she had pinned herself. “I’ll do it. Chrissie, we have to talk.”

She wriggled and twisted in his grasp, but he lifted her off her feet, and despite her kicking back at him with her heels vigorously, he managed to turn her around and wedge her against the car so she couldn’t move. Her cuffed hands were slammed hard against the car door and one heel was bending under her as she tried to lever away.

Liam grinned.

“You are getting some sort of sadistic pleasure out of humiliating me like this!”

“It’s a means to an end, but you do look extra sexy when you’re angry.” His eyes burned with lust, and it triggered a response in her that made her press her lips together with annoyance, afraid she might say and do the wrong thing.

“Jesus, Liam,” the other man said. “I thought you said she would enjoy this?” The police officer standing by had his hands on his hips and looked perturbed.

“She is enjoying it, she’s just a stubborn, iron-willed little vixen who refuses to admit when she’s having a good time.” He lifted his eyebrows, letting her know exactly what he was referring to.

Riled, she stuck her tongue out at him.

Liam laughed, and then goaded her under his breath. “What, you can’t deny you enjoyed it back there on that desk when you had your legs wrapped around me.”

Her cheeks burned. Her head was reeling, her nerves jangling because he had her locked in his arms. Desperate, she turned her attention to the other man. “Who the hell are you?” She looked from one of them to the other. “He’s not a real policeman at all, is he?”

“Actually, yes, he is. Chrissie, meet my older brother, Colin.”

The police officer gave her a mini salute and an apologetic glance. “I’m sorry, Madam. It was a ruse.” He looked rather awkward, as if he’d been forced into this. “Your driving is impeccable,” he added, in a lower voice.

“Col is the uptight member of our family,” Liam added.

“Fuck you!” the police officer said, then cleared his throat and adopted a serious expression. “Excuse me, Madam, but I have to ask, am I okay to leave you my brother’s capable hands?”

She was about to respond, order him not to leave, when Liam ducked down and kissed her full on the mouth. His sheer strength demanded she submit, his mouth claiming hers. With his hands holding her so tightly and his body against hers, she could feel the passion in him, the hard pressure of his cock through their clothes letting her know how much he wanted her. She melted, her body betraying her as she wilted against the side of the car, her head dropping back to take his kiss, to return it. One gentle thrust of his tongue into her mouth and her sex clenched, eager for his thrusts there, too. When he pulled back, a soft moan escaped her open mouth.

“There, you got your answer, she’s enjoying it,” Liam said to his brother.

The policeman nodded, a sardonic smile on his face. “I surely did.”

Bewildered, Chrissie stared at Liam. He’d done it again; he distracted her from what she was going to say.

“I owe you.” Liam said to his brother. Then he set about moving her in the direction of her own front door, one hand on the bridge of the cuffs pushing her forward, the other examining her keys.