Page 7 of Caught in the Act

When she saw the determined set to his expression had resumed, her resentment flared and she pulled herself together. What the hell was it with this guy that he could trick her so easily? She ground to a halt and made him pause long enough to kick out in the direction of his shins. “Manhandling women against their will runs in the family, does it?”

He winced when she managed to make contact, but his expression only became more focused. “No, but determination does, and I am determined you will hear me out.”

Oh but that determination ran in his voice and in his actions, too, and it was a huge turn-on. Though she struggled and kicked, a secret part of her blazed in response, the part that wanted to hear what he had to say, the part that battled against her logic and will—the essential woman in her that had reveled in the time they’d spent together the week before.

He jostled her up the path, away from the police officer who stood with his arms folded across his chest, shaking his head, a wry smile playing around his mouth. How dare he? He gave her a mini salute, and headed back to his car.

“I will report you for abusing your position,” she shouted out across the lawn.

Liam grabbed her against him, and applied pressure on the bar between the handcuffs, drawing her shoulders back. His breath was warm against her ear as he looked down at where her breasts thrust out through her shirt because of the position he’d got her into.

“He was helping me out, and if you are going to bandy about threats, think about this. I have some nice footage of you on your back, enjoying yourself immensely, on your boss’s desk.”

He’d been filming it? Of course he had, he’d been on a stakeout for Christ’s sake. She remembered him saying that when Theresa had come into the office. He had footage of the whole thing. Her eyes flashed shut, her entire skin going hot and cold. She was taken right back to that desk, a series of images flashing through her mind, images she’d been thinking about in her silent moments, remembering and reliving. Knowing they were captured on film did bad things to her. The temperature between her thighs built rapidly. “I hate you,” she hissed.

“No you don’t.” He grinned, sure of himself. “It makes very interesting viewing, believe me. But I’m willing to keep it to a private showing between the two of us.” He laughed softly against her ear, one hand against her waist allowing him to caress her beneath her breasts as he spoke. “If you give me something in exchange.”

His hands on her felt too good. “What? What do you want?”

“Let’s go inside.”

When he unlocked the door, he bowed and gestured her inside.

She took her chance and darted down the hall and across the sitting room, so the sofa was between them. He lunged after her but was thwarted by the unfamiliar territory, tripping on a coffee table. A moment later he was back on course.

Inadvertently, she’d got herself cornered. “Do you always have to handcuff people, is that the only way they will put up with your cheek?”

He ignored her remark, glancing around. “Nice decor. I like the black and white print over the fireplace. So calming…just what you need for that wild temperament of yours.”

“You don’t know me.” She averted her face.

He drew her back by the chin so she had to face him. “I know you better than you give me credit for. Hear me out, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about you and I want you to give me a break. Listen a moment, I

can prove it.” He shook his head. “I know what’s going on here, it’s not just about us.”

“Us? What us?”

Again, he ignored her comment. “You know I couldn’t tell you I was an official investigator. I knew you weren’t behind it, but you could have inadvertently told someone else I was investigating. Think about it.”

She shrugged it off. “So what, what has that got to do with you…handcuffing me.” Even saying it sounded suggestive, and her body liked the suggestion, whatever it was it sounded hot and kinky and parts of her were raring to go.

He stepped back, still blocking her in but giving her a bit of space as he spoke. “It’s the only way I could guarantee you would listen to me. We had a lot of fun that night, and you enjoyed it every bit as much as I did. I want to see you again but you’re angry. I think I figured out why.”

“Oh you do, do you?”

“Yes, you’re not really annoyed with me, you’re focusing on me because you are annoyed you didn’t figure out who was behind the theft.”

She shook her head, tried to find the words, but for some reason they wouldn’t come. Part of her was astonished he’d taken the time to think about it.

“So I was right.”

“You’re unbearably sure of yourself, aren’t you? You think you can walk into my life, make love to me on a desk and then come into my house and handcuff me and do whatever the hell you want with me….” She faltered and ground to a halt when she saw the sharp interest in his eyes. Why had that sounded like an invitation when she said it? That’s not how she meant to say it. “…and get away with it?”

She lifted her eyebrows in what she hoped was a threatening manner. Even so, her heart was racing, her anticipation building. God, she wanted him. She wanted to feel the weight of his body over hers again. She wanted to be possessed by this man who was so full-on and sure.

He laughed softly. He was aroused, his bright-blue eyes gleaming as he eyed her up in that incredibly sexy way of his.

Resist or submit? She smiled, suddenly loving the dilemma, and growled at him, making ready to run past him. As she shifted, he dropped into a goalkeeper’s stance, arms out to capture her. She ducked this way and that, shot left. His arms went around her. Twisting, she slipped out of his grasp and staggered away, laughing with glee but thrown off kilter because she couldn’t move her arms. The sofa was looming into view as she hurtled across the room. There was no other option but to throw herself on it, sprawling uneasily across the cushions.