Page 4 of Caught in the Act

She was pulling her bra and top into place and she gave him a curious look.

He wanted to kiss her again, but there wasn’t time for any more canoodling. Not right now. “Where’s your car parked?”

She frowned. “At the back of the building, why?”

“Mine too.” The thief had pulled up at the front and wouldn’t know there was anyone else in the building. Reaching for her hand, he dropped to a squat and pulled her down with him.

“What the hell are you doing?” She fell against him and he moved her down onto the floor, pushing her onto her hands and knees.

“Quickly, crawl under the desk, I’ll stay behind you.”

“What’s going on?” She looked so cute with her knickers still trailing from one ankle and her skirt at half-mast over her gorgeous bare arse cheeks.

He gave her a quick slap on the behind. “Get moving.”

Her mouth opened in surprise and she wriggled provocatively, one hand going to the place where he’d smacked her. Interesting. She liked that. “Our code thief is about to walk in.”

“Are you sure? I mean…it could be Henry, the security guard. He should be here to lock up by now.”

“Nope. Henry was placed under arrest earlier this evening. Unfortunately he’s in cahoots with the thief. He’s been leaving the building accessible on prearranged nights.” She stared at him, uncomprehending, but there wasn’t time to explain his role. “Now move your sexy tush under the desk and stay quiet.”

“This is what you were waiting in here for,” she said, “wasn’t it?”


Still she hesitated, a question in her eyes. Without further ado, he manhandled her under the desk and then sat in the chair. Her tousled blonde head popped up between his knees a moment later. “Are you serious, the code thief is coming into the building now?”

“You’re finally catching on.” Perhaps he shouldn’t have said that, because she glared at him. She was a fiery type, but he liked that about her. She was so keen to find the thief herself, she was bound to be annoyed. Flicking open his phone, he pressed the speed dial number for his sidekick, who was waiting to close in with the police in tow. “The target is on the way into the building now.”

“We’re on it,” came the reply. “Saw the approach and we’re moving in behind the vehicle.”

He snapped the phone shut and took one last glance at Chrissie. She opened her mouth to speak, but he touched his fingers to her lips. “Hush now, it’s time for the showdown.”

A door clicked open in the outer office. He settled back in the chair, making sure he was shrouded in gloom. The thief wouldn’t even realize he was in here until it was too late. He felt Chrissie’s hand on his leg, but a shadow filled the doorway and he watched as the thief entered the room.

“Something you forgot, Theresa?” He flicked the desk lamp on.

“Shit!” She clutched at her chest. “I mean, Yes, I…something in my drawer. Why are you still in here?” She was trying to pull herself together, but it was too late.

“I’m investigating the security. That’s why I’m here.” The hand on his leg tightened.

“Oh.” Theresa’s attention flitted about the room. “Good,” she added. “I hadn’t realized they’d taken that step.”

“Yup, they’re right on the case. In fact,” he leaned forward in the chair, “I installed closed circuit cameras on day three of my placement here. And, as you’ve probably already guessed, that means we have footage of the thief in action. Twice this week.”

Her eyes rounded.

“You’ve been a busy girl, haven’t you, selling out your employer?”

She backed to the door, her hand grappling for the wall.

“Don’t bother running. It’s not worth it. I have all the evidence I need, and you won’t get far.” A flashing blue light from outside the window bounced around the walls. Cursing, she turned on her heel and fled.

Hard though it was, Liam resisted the urge to pursue. He’d let his sidekick take it up, because he wanted to make sure Chrissie was okay. He was more concerned about her right now. And once he’d given his handover statement, he was thinking they’d get dinner, and then have some more of what they’d just shared a taste of.

He stood up and offered his hand.