Page 3 of Caught in the Act

Despite her suspicions, her body responded wildly to the knowledge that he wanted her, her skin racing, a fluttering sensation in her core making sensible responses seem much harder to muster. “Flattery won’t get you anywhere, you’re just trying to distract me.”

“How can you be sure?” The insinuating look in his eyes made him look even more attractive. How was that possible?

He’s aroused, she realized. Not for the first time she found herself involuntarily wondering what he looked like naked. Oh god.

“I can think of much better things to do than stealing computer software code, believe me. Besides, for all I know, you could be the thief, you could be the one who is siphoning off the code at night.”

She faked a laugh. “I’ve been with this company for five years. I take pride in my loyalty.”

He shrugged. “You might be dissatisfied with your pay, for all I know.” He moved closer still, stepping behind her, circling her. It unnerved her, but she felt rooted to the spot.

“You might have a secret vice, something that needs funding.” He touched her lightly on the shoulder and her head jerked back. His eyes were narrowed in the gloom; he was focused on a reaction. The scent of his cologne was enticing, something woodland but sharp and earthy all at the same time. Underneath it man, sheer, absolute man.

“If that was the case,” she mustered, “why would I be here, now, while you are in here?”

“I don’t know, Chrissie, why are you here, now?” He smiled to himself. It was all one big joke to him. That would be his undoing, she was sure of it. What she wasn’t sure of was why she’d let him get so close. Why hadn’t she backed off?

She swallowed. I do want him.

The expression in his eyes grew serious. She could hear her heart pounding, the blood rushing in her ears as if the world were moving faster by the moment, while she was frozen to the spot. Then the reasons why they were here faded away as he closed on her and put one hand behin

d her head, his fingers moving into her hair as he tipped her head back. “I know the perfect way to prove to you I’m not in here after the code.”

Part of her guessed what he was about to do, the part of her that identified with it, wanted it. She met his stare directly, stripped of all facade.

“I’m going to kiss you now.”

“I know.” She couldn’t have stopped him even if she wanted to, and she didn’t want to. When his lips whispered over hers and his breath mingled with hers, she moaned softly, the last shred of resistance she’d held on to slipping away as he invited her to enjoy. Something pent up broke free inside her and she clutched at him with needy hands, the ability to think logically gone.

His mouth was warm and firm, sensuous in its exploration of her lips as he kissed her, softly at first, inquisitively. When she responded, he squeezed her against him with one large, warm hand at the small of her back, his mouth opening her up, his tongue teasing the edge of her lips until a shiver ran through her entire body. She responded without thought, reaching to press her mouth fully to his, her lips parting to take his tongue. He kissed her deeply, mastering her in an instant, claiming her. Beneath her hands, his body felt strong, warm and vital. She molded against him. While his tongue thrust in and out of her mouth, mirroring the rocking together of their hips, he held her tight and she could feel every inch of him, including the hard bulge at his groin.

Locked together and wavering, they moved in unison towards the desk. She felt the hard surface against the back of her thighs and grappled for the edge of the desk with one hand.

“On the desk,” he instructed. He sat her down, his hand stroking her shoulders. His face was cast in shadow but she could feel his lust swamping her.

“Liam,” she whispered, unsure.

He brushed his thumb over her lips, silencing her. He reached for her cardigan and pulled it down around her elbows, hooding it tight there, locking her arms in against her sides. He leaned into her, breathing her in. The nerve endings under her skin went wild, her breasts tightening in response to his proximity. He nudged the spaghetti strap on her top to one side with his mouth and kissed beneath it, his breath hot against her skin. With one hand, he held on to her as if he was afraid she would run, and with the other he cleared the desk, pushing papers discs and equipment onto the floor. Easing her back until she was flat on the desk, he stood between her thighs.

She caught sight of his intense expression when he passed through a band of light shining through the blinds. His sheer masculinity wrapped itself around her, and when he wrenched her legs apart she writhed with need. He positioned her with her hips at the edge of the desk, and her skirt bunched around her waist. Through his jeans, the bulge of his cock pressed hard at the juncture of her thighs. Her clit was pounding and the pressure was only making it worse. He pulled her top lower over her breasts and kissed her cleavage while he tugged down the cups of her bra to access her nipples, abusing her clothing to have his way with her. A sting loosed in her nipple when he touched it, and it brought about a needy echo deep inside. When his warm, damp mouth closed over her erect nipple, and he grazed it with his teeth, it made her wild. She moaned aloud, her head rolling on the desk. The tension was unbearable. Her hips moved, her back arched. She wanted to wrap herself around him and take him inside.

“I want to taste you,” he said, and ducked down. His mouth enclosed her swollen clit, his tongue rubbing back and forth over it rapidly, driving her to distraction.

“Liam…Liam, please.”

“I know,” he whispered in response, his breath hot on her sticky, sensitive folds. “I know. I want it too.” He moved away and she saw him opening a condom packet.

They were going to do it; they were really going to do it. It was outrageous, here and now in the office, on the desk. But she wanted to; she wanted it badly. She kicked off her sandals and lifted one knee against his hip, inviting him in. In the gloom she could barely see him as he rolled on the condom, and she rued that, wanting to see it all. But when his fingers ran across the lacy edge of her panties and then hauled them down the length of her legs, all that mattered was the fuck, the actual fuck, and she wanted it bad.

He nudged at her opening and she lifted up, giving him access, whispering encouragement as he thrust inside. “Oh yes, Liam. Oh god yes.” His cock was hard, hot and thick, stretching her open. She clung to his shoulders, levering her hips on the desk to take him, grinding against him as he hit home. She dug her fingernails deep into his shoulders as they found and matched each other’s rhythm, days of sexual tension making it fast and furious, glorious and needy all at once. Each thrust filled her so completely that it took her breath away. Each time he drew back her body ached for more, her climax imminent.

When she felt it coming she turned away, unwilling to totally admit the power of this thing. Nevertheless, she whispered his name and it came out on a wild cry at the moment the climax hit. Her sex clutched, released, and clutched again, seizing his cock. His body went rigid, his cock jerking inside her. She lifted up from the desk and clung to him, kissing the side of his head, even while his hips jerked again.

He sought her mouth, blindly kissing her, and Chrissie held onto him for dear life. The real world was rushing in again, fast, far too fast, interjecting old questions in to her thoughts, spoiling her afterglow. But she didn’t want him to be the thief—she wanted him to be the new IT man, plain and simple—and she pushed the questions out for as long as she could.

“Are you the thief?” Chrissie asked forlornly when he stood up to pull himself together, his thoughts shifting as he checked the time.

He shook his head and kissed the end of her nose. They’d finally breached the gap between them. He was happy, and it was perfect timing, because he’d just noticed a car purring past the window in the front car park of the building, headlights off. He ducked his head down. This is what he’d been waiting for. He knew who the thief was, and he’d already got the evidence he needed. Tonight was his last evening on the job, and Chrissie had made it all that much more pleasant waiting to close the case.