Page 2 of Caught in the Act

“I’m doing a deli run,” he added.

“No. Thank you.”

He put both his hands on her desk, leaning over in the most provocative way, looking her up and down as if it was her he was about to devour, not the mega-stuffed baguettes he seemed to favor. “Are you sure I can’t tempt you?”

She felt herself blushing, her pale skin making her far too easy to read. “No.”

He lifted one eyebrow. “Shame. I’d like to see you giving in to temptation, I bet it would be quite something, all that restrained fire…unleashed.”

She hated her body for the way it responded. Between her thighs, her pussy ached for some of what he seemed to be offering, a vigorous session between the sheets. But he was the wrong sort of bloke to get mixed up with, she was convinced of it. Unable to sit still, she rearranged herself in her seat, gripping onto the hem of her mini skirt to steady herself. “Don’t hold your breath, it’s not going to happen.”

“Don’t be so sure.” He grinned.

Frowning, she gave him a stern look.

“That pout of yours is hellish sexy,” he added, then shook his head, still smiling, and walked away.

Pout? She’d meant to look disapproving. Apparently she couldn’t even trust her own facial expressions when he was around. Feeling slightly demented, she glared at his back. He was so sure of himself, his hips rolling as he walked with a steady, easy gait, broad muscular shoulders shifting beneath his shirt. Power, he oozed subtle, intoxicating power. The man was pure machismo. That, and the way he looked back at her over his shoulder—dark eyes insinuating and filled with sensual

humor—made her dangerously aroused.

It was no good, she decided, the midsummer heat had got to her.

Standing up, she headed off to the ladies, pretending not to hear what was said to her as she passed Darren’s desk. She wasn’t in the mood for chitchat. Luckily there was no one else in the ladies cloakroom. Darting into a cubicle, she shut the door and put her back up against it. Wedging one sandaled foot against the toilet seat she cursed men in general—and Liam in particular—and moved her hand between her thighs, the hem of her skirt edging up as she reached under it and her palm closed over her pussy. She squeezed tight for relief, her hips rocking backward and forward, the pulse in her core beating out erratically. Staring at the wall with unseeing eyes, she chafed her clit through her lacy undies, her mind filling with images of Liam, over her, inside her, possessing her, telling her how bad she needed it and how he was going to see to it she got it.

He’d left the building, and still he got to her. Cursing low under her breath, she shoved her hand inside her undies where the groove of her pussy was slick, and rubbed her clit. She could almost hear his voice, that insinuating tone, and she imagined him looking at her while she did the dirty deed in the loo. Latching a finger inside her sex, she pressed the palm of her hand on her clit, pushing her self closer to climax. He’d enjoy it, of course he would, he was just the sort of man who’d want to watch a woman masturbating. Her sex clenched, her standing leg faltering. Heat built inside her, a wall she had to break through for release, and when it came it spiraled through her groin then raced over her entire skin while she cursed low under her breath, hating the man who made her want him so.

He’d stayed behind, after hours. Chrissie saw him duck into Theresa’s office after Theresa had gone, and he hadn’t emerged. Her pulse rate picked up speed. Liam had the run of the place in his role as IT man, but he shouldn’t be in there, not now. She took her time tidying her desk and watched as the last of her coworkers left the building. Where was the security guard? He usually came around about now, checked everyone had left the building before sealing it up for the night. He’d be here soon, which would be perfect timing.

After the last stragglers had gone and all was quiet, she stood up, picked up her phone and flicked it to camera mode. If she could just catch him…Her heart raced. If she could prove Liam was the thief, then…then he’d be gone. She paused, hesitant. She both wanted to find him out, and didn’t. It was screwy, she knew it was, but something about the idea of confronting him was intoxicating, and she couldn’t help herself. As she approached the door to her supervisor’s office, she saw him moving behind the desk. Someone who wasn’t in the know would just think he was switching off a PC, or checking it. But she was riddled with suspicion and curiosity. She stood just outside the open office door and snapped a photograph of him, then put her phone down on the table outside Theresa’s office, making sure it was hidden out of sight.

Folding her arms across her chest, she stared at him. “Caught in the act,” she said. She couldn’t help being pleased with herself.

Liam glanced up, and then smiled, long and slow. He didn’t seem surprised to see her, his posture both nonchalant and self-assured while he looked at her.

Even if he made a break for it she had proof he was the thief. Strangely enough, he didn’t look as if he was going anywhere. In fact he glanced at his watch, as if he was checking how much free time he had to chat with her. He had the cheek of the devil himself.

“Caught?” A self-assured smile played around is attractive mouth and it made her want to slap him. “I wasn’t doing anything. Not yet, at any rate.”

Why did he always look as if he was thinking about sex? And, more to the point why am I thinking about sex? “You aren’t supposed to be in here, none of us are. Company rules. No overtime unless it’s agreed in advance.”

“And that’s why you followed me in here?” His expression was filled with insinuation, and he looked her up and down in a way that left her in no doubt he was making some sort of intimate reference. “You’re sure there wasn’t some other reason why you wanted to be in here with me, alone?”

Her stomach flipped. He’s bluffing.

She forced a dry laugh. “Get real. You are the thief, that’s why we’re both here. I’ve been on to you for days.” He didn’t seem surprised, in fact he seemed to be enjoying it. He was sitting back in Theresa’s chair with a lazy, confident posture that suggested he wasn’t in the least concerned she’d caught him in there. Maybe he wanted her to follow him in here. The thought made her want to walk away, but for some reason she couldn’t.

“I knew you were on to me, Chrissie. In fact, I was enjoying your attention.”

“The security man will be here in a minute to lock up,” she snapped. Her heartbeat grew erratic. Was this some sort of trap? Just as the thought struck her, the overhead strip lighting throughout the offices went off one by one in a succession of resounding clicking statements. They were alone. A dim security light was all that lit the room they occupied, the distant streetlights from the business park sending an eerie glow through the slats of the blinds.

He stood up and stepped out from behind the desk. “Am I indeed? Well now, in that case why would I find you a whole lot more interesting than swiping the lot and heading out of here?” He gestured at the PC.

“The PC should be password locked.” Panic was rising. What was she doing here alone with this man?

“Theresa has been naughty, she’s left her files accessible. This place is slack.” He stepped closer. “I’d much rather look at you than a bunch of code. I like the idea of us having some quiet time, just the two of us, alone here.” He lifted his eyebrows and in the half-light his eyes glittered.

Beyond him, she could see the cars moving on the motorway in the distance. The business park was quiet. Apart from the security guard, who was now late, there wasn’t another soul around. She hadn’t thought beyond the accusation, she hadn’t thought beyond getting him alone. But now they were here, and he was coming on to her.