Mike was kissing her.

Leonie was in heaven.

He kissed her eyelids, her forehead and then the tip of her nose. He rubbed his face against hers, grazing her with his stubble, then he teased his lips against hers while he cupped her face in his hands.

“Untie me,” she pleaded, aching to hold him.

“Maybe.” He smiled, as if to himself. “I like you this way,” he added, and his voice was hoarse with emotion, “because you can’t run away from me again while I’ve got you tied up.”

“I didn’t run away.”

His eyelids lowered but not before she saw it – she’d hurt him. He masked it quickly and reached for the belt. When he unbound her, she touched him, holding him eagerly.

Am I dreaming? His hard body under her fingers seemed to deny that. Running her hands along his flank, she drew back and looked at him, needing the constant reassurance this had really happened.

He rested alongside her and ran his hand up the length of her arm. “You’re different,


“I’ve been working hard.”

“You have. It suits you.” His expression seemed to soften, and yet his fingers lingered around her biceps, stroking her as if he was acquainting himself with the physical changes that had been brought about by hard labour.

“You are different too, more wrinkles.” She touched her finger over his face.

“That’s your fault.” He smiled.

“Oh, right, my fault.” She laughed softly.

They continued to explore the newness they found in each other. Leonie wanted to savour every moment. She didn’t want to ask him if he really meant what he’d said, not yet.

He turned his attention to her chest, and licked her right breast, long and slow, eking out her afterglow, making her even more warm and languid. Her hips stirred against the bed, heavy and yet warming for more action. Her fingers latched over the abandoned belt, anchoring her. “Why the belt?”

“Thought you might not be so willing.” He moved to her left breast. “Thought that I’d have to convince you.”

He had doubted her need for him. But still he came . . .

“Willing?” she teased, on an intake of breath, when he pleasured her sensitive breast with his kisses.

Then his cock began to stir against her and he seemed to make an effort to gather his thoughts. “There is something else I need to say, a few things actually.”


“It’s about work.” He drew away, ever so slightly, but she noticed.

If this was about work did that mean he had moved on already – that he had already shelved the intimacies said in the heat of the moment?

His expression grew more serious. “The board of directors suggested a new post for you. They like what you’ve done here. You gave a new franchise confidence. The board wants you to do it again, with a bigger project. They haven’t given all the details yet, just wanted me to run it past you, in theory.” There was a certain sense of misgiving in his tone. “I can tell you it’s in South America. The plantation is big, up to five times the size of this, and the conditions are harsher.”

It sounded like the sort of new challenge she wanted, but he was wary. Maybe he didn’t want her to go. Was this an either/or situation?

“I’ve learned a lot,” she said, cautiously. “I’m willing to think about it.”

His eyelids lowered. “They are offering it to you under one condition.” His mouth twitched, and she sensed he was trying to play it deadpan.


“Just one. You work with someone else.” He met her stare and the twinkle in his eyes made her heart thud in her chest. Curiosity and hope gripped her.