Page 82 of Rampant

Unzipping her fly, he pushed his hand inside her undies.

What a way to go, she thought, with no small sense of irony, when desire took over completely. Her hips moved instinctively, rocking into the hard cup of his fingers, darts of pleasure storming through her groin. The room had started to glow, an arc of rose-colored light rising above them that beat like pulse. He was making magic from her arousal.

He grazed her nipple with his teeth, the hand cupping her pussy teasing her until he was stroking her clit. She moaned aloud, close to coming after he made contact with the swollen nub of her clit.

Lifting his head he moved his free hand over her chest in a figure of eight, just as he had that first night on the staircase in Her Haven, but this time he was chanting that strange language under his breath.

Silver flashed from his eyes, as if his power reflected and intensified the moonlight. Static surged in the atmosphere around him and the rosy light rippled in waves where he had moved his hand.

A soft whisper of a sound drifted around her mind.


She looked at Gray. “She’s coming, she heard your call.”

He nodded, he knew. He could sense Annabel’s spirit surfacing as much as she could.

This was it.

Because Zoë wanted him so badly, and because Gray was unsure about this, she resisted the transition for longer than she had the previous times. Then she felt Annabel rising within her, an erotic trance that took hold of her senses, rising on the cusp of flames and smoke, and she knew this had to be done.

“Fire, I feel her fire,” she whispered, and lifted her eyelids one last time.

Gray looked down at her.

She studied his face and he studied hers as he brought her to climax, his fingers thrumming on her clit.

“Oh, oh, yes, oh Gray!” Her head rolled on the cold metal as her body tightened and her nerve endings ebbed and flowed with pleasure, heat rising in her core, swamping her in pleasure.

“Gray,” she whispered, again.

The room had gone dark. She could no longer see him, and she lowered her eyelids as she relinquished control to the spirit who resided close by.


GRAYSON TOOK A DEEP, STEADYING BREATH. The fact that Zoë’s aura was filled with sexual energy meant that his cock had been rock-hard and ready for action, right from the get-go. Never had it been so hard to hold back from making love to her. Never had he wanted to be inside her so badly. But observing her was a whole different kind of magic.

Denial had its rewards. Her sensuality almost overwhelmed him, and the way she responded left him with a sense of awe at the powerful desire between them. He’d almost lost touch with the vibrant psychic energy channeling through her, until he felt a needful, clamoring vibe pierce through and fracture the rose-hued atmosphere. It was begging for his attention, and it was a demanding spirit. Annabel.

Mercifully, Zoë was almost lost in her reverie, riding the moment while she looked up at him. But Grayson knew that time was against them and he had to act fast. He braced himself, ready for anything. Zoë’s spirit faded, her breath coming out on a whisper of pleasure so sweet and poignant that his chest ached.

Moments passed. Long silent moments, and then she purred and growled in her throat and Annabel pulled free of the sleeping aspect of Zoë, her eyes opening.

Oh, yes, he could see her now, her eyes gleaming and catlike within her host. He rested his hand against her chest. “Annabel McGraw, I am warning you right now, you’re not going to get the better of this situation!”

For several moments her spirit energy tussled with his, feral and playful. Then she chuckled and lifted one leg alongside his hip. “I can see why she likes you so much. You are a fine lover, worthy of the affection she feels for you.”

Grayson drew back, thrown by her intimate comment and the knowledge it contained. Was she trying to derail his focus? “We have business to discuss, and you know that.”

She watched him, and then yanked lazily on the rope holding her, laughing softly. “Why is it that you tether me, witch? It is not me that you need to fear.”

“It’s up to you to convince me.”

“You think that I will try to keep her body, now that I am in possession of it?” A ghostly smile moved over her face.

It was so unutterably strange for him to see it there, knowing it was not Zoë’s smile he saw on her lovely face. It made him want to bring her back, immediately. He had to get through this as fast as he could. “I’m not offering you a body, I merely want to talk. This was the only way.”

“You have enticed me, witch. If it were not for the fact that I am bound to another lover, I might be tempted to stay.”