Her gaze shot up to meet his.

Christ, he knew she’d been looking at him.

It been the same three years ago, when they’d spent ages staring, thinking and knowing what the other one had in mind Then they’d sneak off from the family and go at it like the world was about to end.

He was smiling at her accusingly. He definitely knew what she’d been thinking.

The room grew silent, and she realized the ladies had looked her way too, their attention fully on her. They must have guessed. Had it been obvious she was giving him the once over? “What?”

Nan smiled at her. “It’s getting late. Why don’t you show Sean upstairs?”

The suggestion was so blatant it stunned Rowan. They would have balked at the two of them leaving anywhere together, three years ago. Now they seemed to want it. Her face flamed. What the hell was going on here? She hadn’t anticipated this at all.

“Rowan,” Nan continued, “Gladys and I recorded our favorite soap earlier and we’ll watch that before turning in. You go on ahead and show Sean the spare room.”

“Is that wise?” Gladys interrupted. “Sean is very welcome to stay, but isn’t it irresponsible suggesting these two are left alone together in a bedroom?”

Gladys had been the most disapproving about their intimacy, back in the day. It didn’t surprise Rowan that she was the one on a moral crusade now. Rowan was pleased though. It meant she had one ally she could rely on.

“Whatever do you mean?” Nan asked and she gave her sister a frustrated expression, as if her master plan had been well and truly thwarted. “They’re adults now, Gladys.”

Gladys shrugged.

Sean folded his arms across his chest and nodded at Rowan, his mouth lifting at one corner.

Damn him. He was enjoying this.

Aunt Gladys rose to her feet. “Yes, I suppose they are. If you don’t know how to behave toward each ot

her now, you never will.” She sighed. Rowan was mortified. “You two get off then,” she continued. “We can take care of everything down here.” She gave a nod. “But be sure you behave! No shenanigans!”

Behind Gladys’s back, Nan nodded, winked and smiled.

Rowan cringed inwardly. Nan thought she was being subtle, giving her permission to spend time alone with Sean while they kept an eye on her sleeping child. The only time she needed alone with him was to tell him he’d had a wasted trip.

She rose to her feet and harrumphed, loudly. “Right, I’ll show Sean where the room is,” she declared, “and rest assured that’s all I’ll be doing, showing him the door!”

Chapter Five

Showing him the door? Why the hell did I say that, she wondered, as she stomped off down the hallway. It was now obvious to him what she’d been thinking about. She wanted to be cool and dismissive, not defensive. Well, at least she’d stated her case. Perhaps not the way she’d intended, but the deed was done. Still, it annoyed her because she wanted to appear aloof and she hadn’t managed it.

It was their fault. Nan had wanted to trap them together, and Gladys hadn’t proved to be much of an ally after all. They both had their own unique plans for how this was going to pan out, apparently. Gladys wanted a polite family visit, Nan was matchmaking. It wouldn’t surprise Rowan they’d got their heads together, but Nan clearly had a hidden agenda which was not so hidden. Whatever. She could just see him to the room and walk away, couldn’t she?

What if Sean didn’t let her? The thought turned her on, wildly. Then there was the fact his presence strolling behind her was totally magnetic. His attention was keying in to her, arousing her. But she wanted him, always had. There was no denying it. And he was so bad for her.

She forced herself to stroll upstairs as calmly as possible and pushed open the door to the spare bedroom, which Gladys and Nan had clearly spent a chunk of the afternoon preparing. It looked as if it’d been set up for royalty, despite the fact Rowan had pointed out a six-foot biker fresh out of jail had no need for crochet cushion covers and goose down comforters.

She ushered him in, waving her hand from the safety of the landing. “Your room.”

He smiled, and lifted his eyebrows. “Why don’t you come in and help me get settled?”

There it was, without a moment’s hesitation, the assumption. She folded her arms across her chest and glared at him. “No way.”

“You don’t mean that.”

“I do. I’m not a silly girl anymore, Sean. Besides, you heard Aunt Gladys. No shenanigans.”

Mischief shone in his expression. “It never stopped us before, and your Nan practically suggested you jump into bed with me.”