Stifling a wistful sigh, Rowan looked up at him. Pixie was in his arms, pointing at the gulls as they dipped and soared. Their little family group had gathered in a huddle on the promenade, overlooking the beach where she and Sean had begun their forbidden love affair. It was forbidden no more. Sean’s eyes twinkled as he asked the question, and his smile was broad and teasing, as if he was deeply content because he already knew the answer.

“I am. For now.” The coastal towns of Rhyl and Prestatyn were the only real home Rowan had ever known, but they’d visit frequently. They’d all made their promises to one another. Once a month Nan and Gladys would come to London to see all the family, and once a month Rowan, Sky and little Finola would get the train to Wales to spend a weekend with the ladies. It meant they would see each other every fortnight.

She tore her gaze away from his—it was hard to do so—and looked back out across the water. “This will always be the home in my heart, but there’s so much more for us to explore out there, and the time is right.”

Excitement ran in her veins, hope and happiness.

Their world was opening out, flowering, and she was ready. There was sadness there too, of course. Leaving Nan and Gladys had been difficult, but the move felt right, it felt good. It felt as if everything was possible. She was finally at peace with what had happened in the past because her heart brimmed with happiness. They were committed to one another. Whatever happened, whatever life brought them, they’d be together. They’d face all of life’s ups and downs together.

Parked up behind them was a rental van. It was loaded and ready to go. Mostly it was Pixie’s stuff, together with a few things Nan and Gladys had insisted they take with them to their new home.

“Ready for London and the west wing of Narnia?”

She chuckled, amused by his description. It had really stuck, and always made them smile. “I can’t wait to see it now the renovations are under way.”

“Rory said the windows went in on the new extension yesterday. All that’s left is the plastering and decorating, then we can move into the extension. We’ll only be in the guest room for a couple of weeks.”

“Daddy, look daddy!” Pixie grabbed at his head, pointing at a black Labrador loping along the shoreline.

“Yes, poppet, I’m here.” Sean grinned.

“That’s got to be ooh, the thirty-seventh time she’s called you daddy…today.” It meant such a lot to him, Rowan had to tease him.

He nodded, still beaming, and then looked at the dog Pixie pointed out.

Rowan watched them discussing the dog, and her heart ached with pride.

The wind lifted and Sean pulled Pixie’s coat closed at the front. “It’s cold. We’d better get on our way soon, we can get the heating on in the van.”

“Two more minutes?”

“Of course.”

She watched the way Pixie clung to him, and moved closer, hugging against his side, stroking Pixie’s hair.

Sean studied her for a while. “If you don’t think it’s the right time for Pixie just say the word. We can move back here at any point, whether it be one month, six months or ten years. I’ve got that fencing company idea to start up.”

She shook her head, laughing. He’d always be the hacker-biker boy in his heart. “It is the right time, for us all. You’ve got your job at Rory’s workshop, doing something you love. I’ll have more college options, and Pixie can start nursery school in her new home instead of here.”

“Yup, we’ll have our own space, and lots of family support.”

“Yes, we will. It was good of Gladys to give us the money for the extension and the renovations.”

“Don’t forget her non-negotiable conditions.” He waggled his eyebrows at her. “You still have to make me an honest man of me.”

Rowan smiled. “I’ve been trying to do that ever since you came back to me.”

“You succeeded. I never would have done it without you, Rowan. If you hadn’t been my goal, I wouldn’t have worked so hard.”

She’d never get used to that, it made her blush, but she was pleased. “She wants us to have a proper church wedding. Do you think they’d let me get married in purple and black, in a church?”

“Emo girl,” he accused.

“Rebel,” Rowan shot back, turned on her heel and set off at speed toward the van, laughing. Sean and Pixie were close behind her.

They climbed up into the seats and began their journey into the future together.
