“But what?” she interrupted, devastated by the implications. “You mean he’s going back to prison if they go in there and he’s caught?”

Draco grabbed her by the shoulders. “Rowan, I’m going to be doing my damnedest not to let that happen, you know that.”

She couldn’t understand. Draco knew the police would come? What did that mean? The sirens grew louder, as if more vehicles were approaching. Her heart hammered against the wall of her chest.

A distant gunshot rang out, and people on the pavements scattered.

Draco reached out to still Rowan, but it was too late.

She wrenched free of his grip and ran out into the road.

Cars screeched to a halt. She froze on the spot. A car had stopped inches in front of her. Another then smashed into the back of it, nudging it closer to her.

The driver in the first car was screaming at her as he climbed out of the car.

She bolted on, to where she could see the police cars gathered at the entrance to the warehouse.

As she approached, a policeman in uniform stepped out in front of her. “Stand back, Miss. We’re taping off this area. Ongoing police incident. No need to concern yourself.”

She ducked and dived and pressed on.

He was hot on her tail. Grabbing her, he swung her behind him.

Rowan caught sight of two figures in dark clothing as they lurched out of the warehouse, guns aloft in their hands.

She cried out, but the policeman pulled her to one side, ducking down behind a car and dragging her with him.

Multiple shots were fired.

Rowan silently screamed Sean’s name over and over again.

Eventually it fell silent, and then there was more shouting.

She became aware of the distant traffic noise and the sound of drivers tooting their horns in frustration. Nearby, she heard someone shouting for an ambulance.

“Police officer down!”

The uniformed policeman with her shifted, and looked beyond the car.

She took her opportunity and crept along the far side of the car so she could peep out. Ambulance sirens roared in through the other cars. She stained to see what was going on. The policemen were gathered around one of their own who had clearly been injured.

“Sean,” she whispered, terrified that one of the bodies she could see was his.

She rose to her feet, peering over, but couldn’t see their faces. She didn’t recognise the clothes, but the bodies weren’t moving, and she could see blood on the ground. It sent her into a frenzy of panic.

Two officers emerged from the building, a man in cuffs between them.

Another similar threesome followed.

Her blood rushed in her ears.

She darted forward, broke into a run.

She had to know

Chapter Twenty-four

Full consciousness evaded Sean.