She was still starting at the door when she heard the sound of a motorbike revving outside. Kneeling up on the bed, she peered out the window.

Sean was striding behind Rory, who was riding the bike through the open gateway. Sean had a helmet dang

ling from his hand. As he went through the gate he turned and looked back, directly up at her window.

Ducking back she gasped and giggled to herself.

Once the sound of the bike had disappeared off into the distance, she leapt up and headed downstairs.

Sky was in the kitchen, wrapped in a fluffy pink robe, yawning while she filled the kettle. Her hair was stuck up on one side of her head.

“Where did they go?”

“We’re not supposed to know.” Sky’s expression was deadpan.


“They’ve gone to meet Draco. Something about a sting and coding.”

“Nice one. Can we stalk them?”

Sky rubbed her hair into place. “I think we should stay put today. Tomorrow is the big one, if I understood the plan correctly. If we ‘play nice’ today, they won’t even think about us stalking them tomorrow.”

“You definitely got the brains in our family.”

“Draco did, we had to share out what was leftover.” Sky chuckled. “But we get by, eh.” She winked at Rowan. “So what shall we do today, while we ‘play nice’?”

Rowan grinned. “Choose paint and soft furnishings, of course.”

Sky grinned.

Chapter Nineteen

Sean looked at his phone screen to check the time. It had been a long day, but with Draco and Rory’s help, he felt ready for the hack. The ground work was done. His kit was ready and the USB was in his front jeans pocket ready to go. Back up versions were in his jacket pocket. “Thanks guys, I really appreciate your help.”

Draco looked thoughtful. “Let’s hope you won’t need to use it.”

“I don’t intend to. The last thing I want is for Delahane to win this.”

“But if you’re cornered,” Rory chipped in, “don’t take any risks.”

“Being tooled up and ready takes the pressure off,” Sean assured him, but he didn’t feel it. “Talking of taking the pressure off, I better get back to your place, I need to talk to Rowan before tomorrow” If it didn’t go according to plan, this might be his last chance to explain how much she meant to him.

“Yup.” Rory rose to his feet, stretching. “Let’s hit the road.”

When they got back to the house, Sky was in the kitchen scribbling on a notepad, an open laptop in front of her on the table. She took one look at Sean’s face and pointed her pen up, indicating Rowan was in the guest bedroom.

Sean headed straight up, taking the stairs two at a time.

The bedroom door stood open. That in itself was a relief.

Rowan was on the bed, sitting cross legged, talking to her phone screen. He quickly gathered she was face timing with Pixie.

He stood in the doorway, staring at her, unable to tear himself away. She looked like a dream, cross legged on the bed like she used to when they were first together. The times they sat facing one another, just soaking up the sexual tension, created memories he’d relived many times while they’d been apart. She wore her trademark look. Black jeans with a purple hoodie, black and electric blue layered tank tops. A heavy silver chain bearing an alchemy symbol hung down between the soft curves of her breasts. At the side of the bed, her abandoned Doc Marten boots stood side by side.

When Rowan noticed him standing there, she gestured with her free hand, beckoning him in. “Look who’s here with me,” she said to Pixie. “It’s Sean.” Glancing at him again, she smiled and patted the bed at her side. “She’s mastered face time,” she said joyfully.

Sean stepped closer and eased down behind her on the bed. He suddenly wasn’t sure. “Is it okay, if I join in… and say hello?”