Thump. Thump. “Treating me like a fool to get a quick lay, well it won’t ever happen again, believe me!”

Thump. She buckled, her lashes growing damper.

“That’s quite a punch you’ve got there.” Taking his chance, he grabbed her around both wrists, locking her in place, taking control of her.

She struggled and flexed, pivoting back on one heel and kicking at his shins with the other foot.

“Listen to me.”


“Rowan. You came here to say your piece. I’ll explain if you let me.”


Still she kicked, and it was really starting to tick him off. He was on a short fuse, and this was the last thing he needed.

Turning her around, he clasped her around the waist with one arm, and clamped his hand over her mouth with the other.

Instantly she stilled, her body reclining against his.

Was that a moan he heard, a pleasured moan? He smiled, a sense of victory coursing in his veins. He ducked his head, whispering close to her ear. “That’s better. Now listen.”

She turned her face away.

It exposed the soft skin on her neck.

He kissed her there.

A soft moan escaped her.

When she struggled against him, he grazed her skin with his teeth, just a teasing nip, but enough to still her again.

“Good girl.” He loosened his hold.

Growling, she pulled away.

/> Sean instantly regretted letting her go. Grabbing her back against him, he closed her mouth with a punishing kiss.

For a moment she went rigid in his arms, then he felt her relinquishment.

His kiss deepened, the feeling of her softness in his arms taking over, desire forging its own path.

She pulled away, breaking the kiss.

He saw the hurt in her eyes, the tears falling.


She shook her head. “This was a mistake, all of it. It’s my own stupid fault for falling in love with my own stepbrother,”

“You don’t mean it. We weren’t a mistake.”

“Look at the mess you’re in, Sean. I can’t get involved. I have responsibilities now.”

“That’s why I tried to shield you.”

“You can’t shield me. I’m not yours.”