“Your hacking reputation brought me a job.”

“As long as some good came out of it,” Sean commented, wryly.

Draco nodded then looked around. “It’s been a few weeks since I’ve been here.”

“We spent a lot of time here in our first year in London.”

“It’s like home away from home for me, more than you might imagine.” Draco looked thoughtful. “It was here Lara picked me up, offered me the job.”


“Yeah. Had me tracked down.” Draco smiled to himself.

Sean could tell he enjoyed reflecting on it. “Why?”

“Based on the hack we got caught for. She wanted someone knowledgeable to find a mole at her Dad’s company. She figured someone a bit fly might be quicker than a traditional security search and trap.”

Sean was impressed. “Clever girl.”

Draco nodded.

“And that ‘fly’ guy was you.”

“Yup, and the rest, as they say, is history.”

“She can’t get rid of you now, is that what you mean?”

Draco chuckled. “Pretty much.”

Sean caught sight of a familiar figure approaching on the street outside. “Okay, time for you to make a move. Delahane’s gopher is on his way in.”

Draco rose to his feet.

The sight of the gopher riled Sean and he rolled his shoulders, limbering up. “One wrong comment and I swear I’ll pulverize him.”

Draco frowned. “Keep your head. Just get the info we need.”

Keep your head? “Easy for you to say.”

“Not really. Rowan is my sister. Remember that. We’re on the same team.”

“Fair point.”

As agreed, Draco exited his seat and headed to the counter, where he claimed a far stool in a place where he could observe. Rory was circling the area outside on his bike, watching the diner to see if the gopher came alone.

The newcomer sat down without saying a word then put a scrappy notepad and a pen on the table between them, turning it to Sean and gesturing with his hand.

Sean lifted in eyebrow in query.

“Write down what you need.”

“I’ve got everything I need right here.” Sean tapped his forehead with one finger. It wasn’t exactly true. He’d have to pull together a new coding kit. Something appropriate for the job. He’d agreed to let Rory and Draco help him with that, so he could get through it faster.

The gopher reluctantly took back the notepad, stuffing it in his inside jacket pocket. He didn’t like it not panning out as he intended.

That pleased Sean, so he took charge. If he derailed this muppet the more openings there would be to break him. “I don’t have all day.” He tapped the table with his fingers. “Give me the background on the job.”

“At the appropriate time you’ll be texted account numbers on the burner phone I gave you. You’ll also be given amounts to transfer and an offshore account designation.”