“It’s not worries, it’s just a lot of new stuff, all the time. I want my big sis handy to turn to.” Sky laughed it off.

She was genuinely happy, Rowan could see that.

“Like…what color do I paint the kitchen wall, and how do I find the right paint? I’m always googling like an idiot.”

“I don’t know if I’d be any help, what do I know about paint?”

“You know what I mean.”

“Yeah, I do. It would be fun to do it together.”

Sky pointed at her with one finger. “Got it in one.”

Rowan could see it now. Her little sister was taking the world on head first, as she always had, going out there and grabbing it with both hands, way before Rowan had. With more responsibility came greater decisions. She’d felt it herself. Like every choice she made in life was a bigger crossroads than the last, and with more implications. Pixie was her priority, always, so that helped guide her.

She didn’t feel up to eating, not yet, but Sky pushed a slice of quiche onto her plate and wouldn’t take no for an answer.

“If it’s any help, I love what you’ve done to the place so far. The before and after photos you’ve been emailing me are the highlight of our days at home in Prestatyn. The ladies get excited every time my phone beeps.”

Sky laughed. “That must be a pain.”

“Nah. Speaking of pains…when do you expect the guys back?” Rowan looked anxiously at the door. She could scarcely bring herself to take off her jacket and backpack until she’d had it out with Sean.

“Who knows,” Sky replied. “You know what it’s like when that lot get their coding head

s on.”

“Hmmm.” It didn’t bear thinking about. “Well Sean better not get too cozy, because I’m going to make him regret he ever looked at a computer again.”

Sky chuckled. “Yep, you really love him.”

Rowan’s mouth opened, but when she saw her sister’s accusing expression and knowing smile, she didn’t even bother trying to muster a reply.

Chapter Fourteen

Sean looked around with interest.

The old diner they used to hang out in hadn’t changed much over the last three years. A new red countertop had been put in since he’d last been here, just over a year before, and different color paper napkins. Even the waitress was the same. She did a double take when she saw him and Draco arrive, as if she remembered them but wasn’t quite sure where from. She should remember, he thought to himself with amusement. He’d been arrested by the Cyber Crime Police in this diner.

Being back in the place they adopted when the three of them first came to London made Sean feel a bit more grounded. Marginally. Since he’d left Wales his mood was angry at worst, morose at best, and his back was well and truly up. He didn’t like being ordered around by anyone, but he’d seen Delahane’s handiwork inside the prison and he didn’t want to bring that down on anyone, let alone the women he loved. Rowan was constantly at the forefront of his mind, thoughts of her driving him. He had to reassure himself she was safe in Wales, and he’d figure out how to keep it that way.

Draco sat opposite. It’d been his suggestion to designate this as the meeting point. He hadn’t said why, but it was home turf. They new the streets and alleyways around there like the back of their hands.

“Does it bother you, being back here?” Draco asked.

“No.” Sean nodded at Draco’s fitted leather jacket, jeans and T-shirt. “You look more like yourself today.”

“Did the suit freak you?”

“Let’s just say it’ll take a bit of getting used to.”

Draco laughed. He picked up his coffee cup and toyed with it while he glanced at the door. “Didn’t think I could get used to wearing a suit, but it happened.”

Sean nodded at him. “I’m glad you’ve got a proper job, proud of you for achieving that.”

“You can do it too. Besides, I only got an opportunity because of your bad self.”

“Why so?”