When they’d set out that morning he’d checked he wasn’t being followed. Had done ever since he left the jail. He’d gone out of his way on the route to Rowan’s side, aware he might have a tail, but he was sure no one had trailed him. Yet now he wasn’t so sure. Had his enemies inside dug up the location of his people here in Wales?

Scanning the promenade beyond the wall, he was able to pick out Rowan’s hair and clothing amongst the queue for snacks and drinks. She was still a little way from the front.

That’s when he felt a hand on his shoulder. “Ready to talk, Rattigan?”

Sean spun on the spot and had the guy up against the wall inside a heartbeat, one hand locked around the base of the guy’s throat.

“Hey take it easy. I come in peace.” The guy laughed and held up both hands, glancing around and smiling at any onlookers.

Sean didn’t take his attention off the newcomer. With his hand against the stranger’s chest, holding him in place, he scrutinized him, quickly deciding he didn’t recognize him. He knew his type though—a hound. The type of ligger who hung around the guy with the real power—creeps who couldn’t stand on their own two feet but picked up the lesser tasks, gopher’s who slavered over the pickings cast aside by their master.

“Pretty lady. Nice kid.”

“Stay away from them, or I’ll break your neck.”

The guy tutted. “That wouldn’t go down

well with Delahane. He relies on me to pass his important messages while he’s inside and I’ve got one for you.”

“Bit old to be a messenger boy, or are you his chained pet?”

“If I don’t get back to him inside five minutes, my buddies will go after the lady and the kid. Besides, you owe Delahane.”

Sure, their paths had crossed, and Delahane had got wind of Sean’s hacking skills, but there was no debt. “I owe him nothing.”

“That’s not how he sees it. Knowledge is power and he knows where your little lady lives, so you do owe him. Let’s call it a personal insurance debt.”

Sean took a brief moment—just long enough to be sure Pixie was still asleep—then flattened him to the wall with his fist.

The gopher slumped down then scrabbled to his feet.

How the fuck had they found him? Sean had done everything in his power to shake a possible tail, going out of his way on back roads and hanging back to see if anyone followed. He’d stake his life on the fact no one had tailed him. It had to be another source. Delahane had contacts, sure, but it had taken some digging through his distant past to even find out where the Rattigans had spent a year in Wales, and even then Rowan and Nan and little one had moved.

Around them Sean could make out the concerned mutterings of onlookers.

Moving his jaw from side to side, the gopher pointed at him and started to back away. “Not a good move, Rattigan. I’m itching to pass the debt on to your lady already, no need to psyche me up for more fun.”

Rage made Sean want to obliterate the guy. It was only the risk of Rowan or Pixie seeing him that kept him in check. “If you want to live another day, get lost.”

The gopher showed his teeth.

Sean figured it was an attempt to look mean. It made him look even more of a tool.

“My associate has prepared details for you.” Gopher thrust a padded envelope at Sean. “Delahane needs you in London in two days’ time. The hack is in the finance sector, which I understand is your specialty. You’ll find details of the meeting point and a burner phone inside the envelope.” He was already moving away.

Beyond him, Sean could see Rowan on her way back. Families were packing up and moving away. Rowan was frowning.

The gopher shouted back a parting statement. “Get on the road to London inside the hour and we’ll leave her alone. You’ll receive further instructions by phone. Don’t switch it off. Set a foot wrong, and your lady won’t love you anymore. She won’t be able to love anybody no more.”

Frustration had him keyed up to the max He was ready and willing to take this guy apart, but he covered his clenched fist with his free hand, instead forcing himself to bend and retrieve the padded envelope that’d fallen on the sand.

The only way to deal with this was to use his brains, not his fists.

There was no way he was taking any risks. Not only did he have to keep his record clean, he had to keep these two safe. They were his family, his future, and he loved them both. There was no way he was taking on a job for Delahane. But he’d have to go along with it to keep Rowan and Pixie safe. What the hell he was going to do next, he’d have to figure out on the way.

He shoved the padded envelope into the inside pocket of his leather jacket, jamming it in.

“Who was that?” Rowan glanced back at where the gopher had disappeared, up the walkway to the road beyond.