“I can see that. It makes me love you even more, the woman you’ve become.”

Desire was turning her to liquid heat, boneless, powerless, his caresses freeing denials from her mind with every touch.

“Is it so hard to accept my apology, to acknowledge how much I care?” He kissed the soft skin of her breast, right above her heart. “Come on, Rowan.”

Unable to resist, she stroked her hand over his shorn head.

A moment later he drew back, looking into her eyes. “I’m on my knees here. That’s how badly I need you to understand.”

The tone in his voice undid her, combined as it was with such humble words. The expression in his eyes begged her to meet him half way, to relinquish. It was too much. She stared back at him, silently begging him to make it easier.

Nodding, he took her fully into his arms, and kissed her mouth.

Groaning against his mouth, she laid back onto the bed.

“Don’t fight it,” he whispered, stroking his hand over heart, and climbed over her.

In the morning I’ll think more clearly, she told herself.

Right now she just wanted to enjoy the moment.

Chapter Seven

Sean woke to the sound of voices on the landing outside the room he was in.

Light spilled through the badly pulled curtains. Blinking, he tried to make sense of what he could hear. It was the sound of a child’s laughter, he realized. Someone made a hushing noise and there were giggles.

Attempting to roll over, he found his arm locked around something warm and feminine. It was Rowan. It might have been a dream. God knows he’d dreamt of her often enough, waking up hard with desire. Without even processing his thoughts, he growled with pleasure, pulled her tighter against him and started nibbling at her neck. It was such a pleasure to find she’d stayed and not snuck off in the night once he was asleep.

The noise on the landing continued, then footsteps sounded on the stairs.

Rowan’s body tensed in his arms.

He hoped he wasn’t doing something wrong. Kissing the back of her neck, he murmured her name again. He was getting hard, his body eager for more of her.

Again he heard the sound of squealing and laughter until it faded away down the stairs.

Rowan groaned. “Crap!”

“Is that a kid laughing?”

“Yes.” Rowan snapped the single word reply out and shot free of his arms.

Sean looked after her regretfully, still holding the bunched up sheet in his grasp as if he could keep her in place in doing so. She was pulling on her clothes, which was a crying shame. She was even more gorgeous than before, if that was even possible. More curvy and soft than he’d remembered. The image of her had stayed in his mind all this time, and it was probably the only thing that got him through his custodial sentence with a

ny sense of sanity.

“Stop staring at me like that,” Rowan snapped. “I have a child, so now you know.”

Sean frowned. His brain wasn’t quite fully awake. “I’m only staring because you look so gorgeous.”

She threw him an even more disgusted look.

She had a child? Confusion swamped him. “I didn’t know you’d had a baby.”

Her expression was thoroughly annoyed “I’m surprised no one in our so-called family spilled it behind my back.”

Coming quickly to his senses, he sat up. Looking around the room, he suddenly saw signs of it. There was a teddy bear on the dressing table. He might have assumed it was hers, if he’d even noticed it. All he could see was her, the night before. Three years was a long time, things had changed more than he’d imagined.