This was useful. It reinforced what their informer had said, probably one of her neighbors. “It’s good to hear your take. I’m going on a tip-off that it’s being used as a warehouse for contraband goods.”

“Contraband?” Her eyes rounded.

“Often these things turn out to be hoaxes,” he added. He didn’t have time for hoaxes. Besides, this job was minor compared to the meatier content of the show. It was destined to be a filler segment within the magazine format, but it was worthwhile all the same. “Is it far?”

“No, less than a quarter of a mile.”

He was so close. It was a damn shame the car had conked out.

“Maybe I can help you with it,” she added, eyes sparkling. “I’m a big fan of what you do. Such exciting work.” The way she said “exciting” and the naughty expression in her eyes seemed to suggest she meant something sexy.

“Maybe you can.” His attention was well and truly hooked; she was an invitation he wanted to accept.

She tossed back her hair. “What is it that you were going to do?”

“I was hoping to take a look at the outside perimeter in the daylight, check out if there is anyone around and then go back and get some footage of the goods going in. Then, if it’s what I think it is, pass information over to my contact at Her Majesty’s Customs. Maybe get some footage of them going in for the clean up.”

“What do you think it is?” She looked fascinated, and the more interested she became the more sexy she looked.

Why was that? Ben couldn’t fathom it out, but it intrigued him, and he couldn’t help wanting to egg it forward, even though he knew he shouldn’t be sharing information with her. “Smuggled booty, goods where the duty hasn’t been paid. Cigarettes, booze. It’s small-fry really, but we like to do our bit to raise awareness.”

She glanced at her watch. “It’s nearly nine o’clock.” She looked out of the car window. “It’s only going to be light for a bit longer. I’ll show you the way.”

“I would appreciate that. I have to be back in London for a meeting tomorrow, it would mean another trip out here if I don’t look into it tonight.”

“Is the meeting with a girlfriend?”

Direct. He liked her more by the moment. Her raw energy filled the car, and he wanted to get a taste of it. “No, my producer.”

She nodded, pleased. “We can drive a bit closer. There’s a public footpath through the woods that I know. We’ll go up and check it out.” Her eyes were bright with anticipation. “Then we can wait until the lorry comes so you can get your footage.”

“No. I can’t let you get involved.”

“You’ll never find it in the dark, not without my help”

She had a point, and she was local. Besides, he was pretty sure the place was only used as a depot, and that it would be deserted until the drop. But still, it wasn’t right.

“It can’t hurt. Come on, Ben,” she said, and stroked his thigh. She blinked. “Let me come.”

He wanted her to come all right; he wanted to make her come. Mutual attraction hung heavy in the air between them. He reached over and lifted her hair back from her face. “Well, I guess I could let you tag along.”

She turned the key in the engine. “This is so exciting, like an aphrodisiac!”

Aphrodisiac? Ben got a big kick out of his work, but her response opened a window on a whole new dimension of experience, and he had to admit—he was enjoying the view.


“There, just up ahead.” The stone wall around the farm was just visible in the dusk light, and a security lamp illuminated the overgrown lane in the area around the heavy metal double gates. Patrice pointed through the trees,

and looked back at Ben. “It’s not a large estate, the house is boarded up and there’s one barn, just on the left-hand side as you go in through the gates.”

“How do you know the layout?”

“I saw it when I was walking here in the forest. The gates don’t quite meet, and I had a peep.”

“Naughty girl,” he commented, but he seemed pleased.

She felt his hand on her hip, pulling her in against him, and smiled to herself. Mr. Serious TV Documentary Maker seemed to be having fun. Her pulse quickened. This was turning out to be an adventure in more ways than one. She’d always had a thing for Ben O’ Neil, and here he was—in the flesh—and he was every bit as gorgeous as he looked on TV, if not more so.