I stepped toward him and extended my left hand, too overcome to say anything.

“Be my partner at home. Be my partner here. Be the mother of my children. Be the other half of me—forever.” He slipped the ring onto my left hand, a perfect fit. A simple ring with a simple diamond, it was perfect.

He rose to his feet, still holding my hands. “Say yes.”

I looked at the ring a little longer before my palms planted against his chest, the ring looking even more beautiful when I could see him with it. “I don’t need to, Dex. You knew my answer before you even asked.”

We had dinner with his family at their condo to celebrate, and it was a nice surprise to see Ryan there. Cleo had picked him up after work, which told me that Catherine had given her blessing—or acceptance—of the whole thing. Riley was there too, already a part of the entire family.

“So, let me get this straight…” Daisy sat beside me at the table, which had the extra leaf in the center so we could all fit together. “He asks you to marry him…and then you go to work? That’s, like, the worst proposal I’ve ever heard.” She deepened her voice to impersonate Dex. “Hey, baby. You wanna get hitched? Okay, back to work…” She threw her arms up in the air. “I mean, seriously—”

Everyone ducked down under the table.

Daisy shook her head and rolled her eyes. “It was an accident. I’m not gonna give anyone here a black eye.”

Everyone started to rise above the surface of the table again, laughing at the way they teased her.

I thought it was hilarious and couldn’t stop laughing.

“Shut up, Daisy,” Dex said. “It was romantic. And we don’t go straight to work…you know what I mean.”

Daisy made a disgusted sound then picked up her wineglass. “Well, my future husband better step it up. Otherwise, he’s gonna get a big fat no.”

Cleo took my hand across the table and admired it. “It’s beautiful, honey.”

“Thank you.” I loved it too.

“Did you tell your parents?” she asked.

“I told them on the way over here,” I said. “Mom sobbed the entire time. She can’t believe I’m marrying a handsome doctor…” I rolled my eyes. “She can’t wait to tell her friends about my accomplishment.”

Cleo chuckled. “That’s cute.”

“It is an accomplishment.” Dex dropped his arm over my shoulders. “You bagged this sexy stud.”

“Stud?” Derek asked incredulously. “Let’s not get carried away.” Ryan sat in the high chair beside him so he could play with his cousins. Lizzie was on the other side of him.

Riley walked up to Deacon with her favorite toy in her mouth and whined.

Deacon looked down, and instead of being annoyed or bewildered, he took the toy out of her mouth and threw it across the room.

She chased after it and immediately returned it.

“Looks like Dad needs a dog,” Dex observed.

Cleo smiled. “I would say we’re too busy with work and our grandchildren…but your dad looks good with a dog.”

Deacon took the toy and threw it again. “It would be nice to have a dog at the cabin. Maybe a black German Shepherd…”

“Wow,” Daisy said in surprise. “Dad actually wants a dog. A couple years too late for us, but better late than never.”

“Aunt Daisy,” Lizzie said.

“Yes, my little ray of sunshine?” Daisy turned to her.

“When are you going to get married?” Lizzie asked. “Looks like you’re the last one.”

Daisy kept the same smile on her face, but her eyes definitely faltered, still heartbroken from Mason. “I don’t know. We’ll—”

“Whenever she feels like it,” Deacon said. “And not a moment sooner.” He took the toy from Riley and threw it again, like he hadn’t just swooped in and saved her the pain of making some kind of explanation or excuse.

Daisy looked at her father for a moment, visibly touched by the defense. “Yeah…whenever I damn well feel like it. And don’t let anyone question whether you’re married or not, Lizzie. Because a good woman doesn’t need a man.”



The kids started to fall asleep on the couches and the rug, and the night wound down. Riley and Ryan were curled up together on the couch, Ryan with his head on Riley’s back. Sicily and Daisy were talking to my mom, discussing wedding plans.

I sat with my dad at the dining table, the two of us drinking scotch to celebrate.

“Any dates in mind?” He swirled his glass.

“No. I’m not sure what she’s thinking. But I’m down with whatever she wants to do. I don’t want to do a big-ass wedding with five hundred people again, but that’s not fair if that’s what she wants. As long as she wears a wedding dress—” I gave a thumbs-up “—I’m good.”


I shrugged. “Honestly, we’re both so busy, I can’t see that happening. I left for two weeks not that long ago.”