“A couple,” Deacon said noncommittally. “I told them the truth.”

“Probably have attracted a lot of interest from the ladies,” Derek said. “Probably think you’re a professional boxer.”

Deacon picked up another slice and ignored the comment altogether, like he genuinely didn’t care about the women who threw themselves at him. To him, it was just a mild annoyance. It didn’t give him confidence or boost his ego.

“Ooh, I bet Mom liked it,” Dex said. “After Mason and everything…probably got her engine going.”

Deacon actually cracked a smile between bites, but he didn’t confirm that either. He was definitely the strong and silent type, but to the most intense degree. Derek was that way too. Dex was like Daisy, easy to talk to, always had something to say, knew how to make a joke and make people smile. I loved that about him, that he was so easy to talk to.

“I know I probably shouldn’t ask this…” Derek turned to me. “Since I don’t want to move everything back, but you’re sure you want to live here? I mean, Dex will be here all the time…every day.”

“Shut the hell up, man.” Dex kicked him under the table. “My baby is crazy for me.”

Yeah, I was totally crazy for him. I couldn’t believe I got to be a part of this family. They were the greatest people I’d ever met.

Riley left the couch and walked over, heading straight for Deacon, not me or Dex.

She took a seat beside him, her head up and her eyes on him, one blue and one gray.

Deacon glanced down at Riley before he turned back to us.

Riley didn’t move, but she didn’t whine for food or attention.

Deacon glanced again. “Does she want something?”

“No,” Dex said. “She just likes you, Dad.”

Deacon studied her a little longer before ignoring her once more.

They prepared to leave, and I thanked them both profusely for helping. My parents were in no shape to do lifting like that and my brother lived in another state, so Dex’s family was really all I had in some ways.

Deacon gave me a fatherly hug before he pulled away. “It was no trouble. We’re always here for you.”

Riley was at his feet again, and this time, she whined to get his attention.

He looked down at her before focusing on me again. “We’ll let you guys get settled in. Don’t be afraid to shove Dex’s stuff aside if it gets in your way—”

Riley whined again, this time more forcefully.

Deacon looked down at her again. “What does your dog want?”

“Dad, come on.” Dex rolled his eyes as he came over. “Just pet her.”

The look Deacon gave him was hilarious, like he literally didn’t understand the instructions, which was crazy coming from someone who understood everything. He reached his hand down and bent over to pet her on the head, giving a gentle and awkward pat. “There.”

Riley wagged her tail and came closer, getting on her hind legs so her paws could rest on his thighs.

“Um…okay.” Deacon kneeled this time and petted Riley with both hands, getting used to it and appearing less awkward about it.

“Aww, she loves you.” Riley had perked up so much in the last few weeks, but she was still tense around men she didn’t know. However, there was something about Deacon that she immediately took a liking to. “That’s quite the compliment because she doesn’t like men too much.”

“Doesn’t like men?” Deacon asked, smiling at the dog when he received affection as he gave it.

“She’s afraid of them,” Dex explained. “We think her old owner was an asshole who used to hit her or something…”

“Oh…” Deacon’s hand slowed as he looked at Riley with new eyes. “Sorry, girl.”

“But she obviously doesn’t feel that way about you, Dad.” Dex patted him on the shoulder. “Even though, you know…you jump people in bars.”

Deacon halted and looked up at him, slightly irritated but still amused. “You’re never going to let that go, are you?”

“Nope.” Dex looked at Derek. “Are we ever gonna let it go?”

Derek shook his head. “Sorry, Dad. Never gonna happen.”

Living with Dex was identical to our relationship before.

I just didn’t go home now.

I was always there, in the apartment, my makeup was in his bathroom drawers, and my clothes were in his closet. There were no lingering signs of Catherine anywhere—like she never existed.

There were pictures of Ryan on the walls now, on Dex’s nightstand, and there were baby supplies everywhere. The apartment was babyproofed, so opening the drawers in the refrigerator was kind of a pain, but at least it kept Ryan safe.

Riley was happy to have me there all the time, and the two of us became the best of friends.

It was nice. I went from being alone and heartbroken to…having a family.

I had a man, a stepbaby, a dog… Life was good.

Really good.

Kinda hard to believe, honestly.