You know, my sister was actually pretty smart sometimes.

At the end of the day, it was just Sicily and me, along with Riley.

She finished up her paperwork on the couch, Riley on the couch beside her since Sicily was her favorite person besides Ryan.

“I think I’m going to stop by my parents’ place,” I said. “Haven’t seen them in a while.”

“That’s nice. I can take Riley home for you.”

“Thanks.” Sometimes I couldn’t tell if she did things for me as my assistant or as my woman, but it was nice that they blurred together, that she was a partner who wanted to participate in my life, not just sit around and gloat about it.

“I’m gonna finish up some stuff here, and then I’ll drop her off.”

“Drop her off?” I asked, confused.

She lifted her gaze from her notes and looked at me. “Dex, I haven’t been to my apartment in like a week.”

“So? Bring more stuff and come back over.”

She shook her head slightly. “I don’t want to overstay my welcome—”

“Baby, move in.”

She didn’t look the least bit surprised by the request, just touched.

“Come on, bring your stuff over. Riley loves it when you’re there, I love it when you’re there, and it’s nice to be able to tag-team Ryan when he’s around. We work so much better together than apart because we’re the same person. So, burn your apartment to the ground, whatever you want to do, and then move in.”

I walked in the door to my parents’ place and found them sitting at the dining table together, in their loungewear, drinking wine as they worked on their laptops after dinner. I stilled when I saw the big black eye on my dad’s face. “What the hell happened to you? Another bar fight, Dad? I think you need help—”

“It was your sister.” He shut his laptop. “I’m fine.”

I fell into the chair next to him and across from Mom. “Damn…what did you do to piss her off?”

Dad gave a slight smirk. “I’m teaching her how to fight.”

“How to fight…or just kick your ass?”

He poured me a glass of wine and slid it toward me. “It was an accident.”

“Did that hurt?” I squinted as I looked at his eye. “Because that shit looks painful.”

Mom smirked in amusement.

“No,” Dad said. “But I’m glad she knows how to do some damage.”

“Damn…note to self.” I shook my head. “Don’t piss off Daisy.”

Dad took a drink. “What’s new with you?”

“I got a dog.”

Mom nearly did a double take. “You did? Aww…what kind?”

Dad had a much harder time comprehending the news. “A dog?”

“Yes, like a canine,” I said. “Four-legged beast.”

Dad still looked bewildered. “You got a dog… Why?”

“Because they’re cute,” I said. “Why else? Just because you wouldn’t let us get one growing up doesn’t mean it’s that weird.”

“You don’t have a yard,” Dad said. “Dogs aren’t meant for apartments. Maybe a cat, but not a dog—”

“Honey.” Mom rubbed his arm. “It’s fine. Lots of residents have dogs here.”

Dad still couldn’t grasp it, because he was so clinical about everything and had no experience with animals. They served no purpose, so he didn’t understand why anyone would want one.

That’s exactly why I wanted Ryan to have a dog—so he wouldn’t end up like my dad. “Anyway…that’s not my biggest news.” I pulled the little box out of my pocket and set it on the table.

They both looked at it, understood exactly what it was, and looked at me again.

Mom grinned so wide, looked so happy, like any stress she had at all evaporated at that moment.

Dad stared a little longer before he shifted his gaze to me, a slight smile coming on to his lips. Then he gave me a subtle nod of approval, giving me his blessing.

Neither one of them questioned if it was too soon. Neither one of them tried to talk me out of it. They just got it, because they understood better than anyone that when something was right, it was right.

“I’m so happy.” Mom turned her eyes to Dad and rested her hand on his arm.

He held her look before he moved to grab her hand, the two of them looking at each other like they’d just accomplished something wonderful. Tension left their shoulders, and they both looked at peace. He stroked her hand with his thumb. “Two down…one to go.”



“What part of grab your shit did you not understand?” He looked at the bag over my shoulder, disappointed that was all I took from my apartment.

Riley walked up to me, sniffing me and waging her tail.

I gave her some attention before I set my bag on the couch. “Did you expect me to walk through the door with everything I own?” I asked incredulously.

He stood with his hands on his hips and gave a slight nod. “Yeah, I guess so.”

“Well, I’m not that strong,” I said with a chuckle.