“Mama.” He hugged her back.

Riley tried to walk into the apartment and tugged on her leash to get inside.

“Whoa, honey.” I gave her a gentle pull back. “It’s okay.”

Catherine said goodbye and then took Ryan into the apartment.

When the door shut, Riley started to whine and paw at the door, devastated he was gone.

“Hey, girl.” Dex kneeled beside her and started to pet her. “I miss him too, but he’ll be back.”

She moved away from his touch but kept her snout against the door.

“Poor thing.” I kneeled and petted her. “She’s obviously afraid of men.”

“Yeah, I think so too,” he said with a sigh. “Well, she’ll trust me eventually. Let her take her time.”

I got to my feet again and gave a gentle click of my tongue. “Come on, Riley. Let’s go.”



Unless Sicily was with me in the apartment, Riley stayed away.

She didn’t sleep with me and chose to sit in corners of random rooms.

I kept her bowl filled with food and water and just let her be. Potty training her was hard because she was already scared, but I understood. She at least went to the bathroom on the hardwood instead of a rug or carpet, so that was easy to clean up. I didn’t punish her for defecating in the house because she was already skittish enough as it was. How could I punish her with negative reinforcement when she was already terrified?

I knew she missed Ryan too.

We all did.

I wished I could keep him all the time, but that wasn’t how life was sometimes.

Just had to deal with it.

I went out for drinks with Derek, the two of us getting a couple beers and a plate of sliders to split. I invited Daisy, but she was running late at the office.

“You got a dog?” Derek asked incredulously. “You?”

“What do you mean, you? What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Like a baby isn’t enough work for you? You had to step it up?”

“I’m a man who likes a challenge. You know that. And I did it mostly for Ryan. Thought it would be good for him to have a companion, you know? Teach him how to treat animals, how to be good to others when there’s nothing holding you accountable. We never had pets growing up, and that’s my one criticism.”

“Shit…” He rubbed his jawline with his fingertips. “Now the boys are going to want one.”

“They can borrow Riley—”

“No. Two babies is enough, man. If Emerson and I didn’t work together, I wouldn’t be getting laid nearly as much as I used to.”

“Well, it’s a good thing you married your assistant.” I waggled my eyebrows. “I think I’m gonna do the same thing.” It was very convenient having her bring me lunch and ass every day. I lifted up her dress and took her on the couch, then got to eat afterward, and at the end of the day when everyone left, we usually did it again. It was fucking awesome.


“Yeah. I’ve got baby fever, man. And she said she’s on the same page, so…”

Derek nodded. “That’s great, Dex. I’m really happy for you.”

I cocked an eyebrow and gave him an incredulous look. “I tell you I get a dog and you freak out, and then I tell you I’m gonna ask Sicily to marry me and…you’re just chill about that?” We’d been together for a very short time compared to how long we’d actually known each other. It was basically a new relationship, even if you combined both of our relationships together.

He gave a shrug. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“I don’t know… I haven’t had a long-term relationship with her. I actually expected some resistance from you and everyone else.”

He rubbed his jawline again before he grabbed his beer. “Emerson and I were technically together for a short time before I proposed. A very short time. I don’t think the passage of time is any kind of indicator of quality or promise. I know people who’ve been together for years and they finally tie the knot, but they aren’t happy. They’re just doing it because they’re supposed to, because the woman will leave the guy if they don’t commit. Before Emerson and I even hooked up, I knew she was right for me. The physical connection between a man and a woman doesn’t indicate the start of the relationship. It happens way before that, from the moment you meet. And if someone’s right for you, it doesn’t take years to know. I think knowing immediately, or within a couple weeks, is a much better indicator of compatibility than staying together for years or whatever. So, I think getting the dog is a much bigger deal than asking that woman, who’s right for you in every way imaginable, to be your wife.”

Daisy approached the table and waved down the bartender to get her usual before she plopped down beside me. “Ooh…sliders.” She grabbed one and took a bite. “What are you guys talking about?”