“I already lost him. I can’t lose my job. I love it so much. I’ve never been so passionate about anything in my life.”

Her eyes filled with warmth. “That’s really selfless of you, Sicily. You really are perfect for my son… I just hope he realizes that someday.”

I wouldn’t wait around for that to happen. Who knew when he’d be in a place to have a relationship again? Let alone even want a relationship after everything he’d been through. I wanted the Dex I saw at work, the man who was compassionate, dedicated, loving… I wanted that version of him. I didn’t want the guarded and hurt version of him, someone who would never be able to give me all of himself. “It doesn’t matter if he does. I just need to move on. I would settle for half of his heart because I want him so much, but I deserve the whole thing. I need to let it go and move on.”

Cleo gave a nod in agreement. “I think you’re really special, Sicily. I think you’re not only beautiful, but you’re kind and warm, so caring and selfless, and while I’d love you for my son, I think you deserve a man’s entire heart, a man who would treat you the way I want someone to treat my daughter. So, I think it’s for the best. Find your happiness, and don’t wait for a train that may never come.”

I left the office then headed to the main doors so I could depart the Trinity Building, ready to go home and eat something since I hadn’t really had time to put anything in my stomach.

At that moment, Deacon walked inside, wearing a suit and tie, like he had a meeting. He was usually dressed casually like Dex, but today, he looked like a powerhouse I barely recognized. His suit was perfectly tailored, designer quality, and his jaw was clean-shaven, giving him a youthful look. Without the subtle wrinkles around his eyes, you would never accurately guess his age. He was so fit and trim, so handsome. The only thing that stuck out was the watch he wore, which wasn’t expensive or fancy.

His eyes narrowed on my face, and he walked forward, headed right toward me. He looked so much like his son Derek that it was like looking at a twin brother. His eyes filled with a quick look of pity as his hand slid into the pocket of his slacks. “Sicily, how are you?”

“I’m okay,” I said with a shrug. “I just talked to Cleo, and I feel a little better.”

He gave a slight nod. “Good. She’s the best at stuff like that.”

“Yeah, she is.” I gave a smile. “Well…I’ll see you around.”

Before I could depart, he took a subtle step in my way. “Sicily.”

It felt like a command even though he didn’t raise his voice or turn possessive at all. He just had this natural power that got people to do whatever he wanted. I stopped and faced him again.

“I wish things had turned out differently. You have no idea how much.” Sincerity was in his eyes, blanketing me with fatherly affection, like he’d taken a liking to me just the way his wife did, accepting me into their family when I didn’t have to do a single thing to earn their warmth.

“Me too.”

“My son is a good man. He’s like his mother, having a heart that gives and gives. He’s just not himself right now, and I know it’s a lot to ask, but I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive him.”

“There’s nothing to forgive, Deacon. I knew better, but I did it anyway.”

He gave a curt nod then turned away, heading past the elevators to where he knew his wife was sitting at her desk.

When I turned to the doors, I stilled when I came face-to-face with Zach.

He was in a nice suit that fit his sculpted body perfectly, having that shadowed jawline that made his dark eyes a little darker. His hands were in his pockets as he walked up to me, a smile in his eyes but tension in his jaw. “Hey, sweetheart. It’s been a while. Nice to see you’ve utilized that time to become more beautiful.” His voice was smooth like scotch, and his confidence barely tapped against arrogance, hitting the line but never crossing over it.

“You say that to women a lot?” I asked with a smile. “That’s quite the line…”

He shrugged. “Sometimes. I wouldn’t say a lot.” He gave a subtle shrug as he continued to look at me. “But every time I say it, I mean it.” His eyes flicked down to look me over. “And I definitely mean it now.”

Somehow, his flirtations weren’t sleazy, probably because he was so damn hot that a compliment from him actually made me feel special.