He groaned in my face as he finished, his dick hardening slightly before he released, pressing his body farther into mine as he gave me a load bigger than he ever had. His moans continued after he was finished, after his dick started to soften inside me.

I couldn’t believe I’d waited so long for something so good. “Please don’t stop…”

He rested his forehead against mine, breathing through the exertion, sweat on his forehead and chest. But my words made him hard again and he started back up, his dick getting rock hard, harder than it’d been earlier, and he kept going as if there had been no interruption.

When I stepped into his office, Dex was leaning against his desk, his face turned to look at the wall of photos I’d hung up when we first opened the place. His hand cupped his chin, and his fingers moved slowly over his jawline, like he was deep in thought, so absorbed that he didn’t even hear me step inside.

I came closer until I was directly in front of him. “What are you thinking about?”

He turned at the sound of my voice, regarding me instead of the photographs. “Our trip in a couple weeks.”

I couldn’t believe I was going to Africa. Never in a million years had I thought something like that would happen. “Yeah?”

“I’m worried what will happen when I arrive.”


He shrugged. “Just a lot of patients. More than I can handle. I’m not there long enough.” He turned back to look at the photos again. “Just wish there was something more I could do…”

I stared at his side profile, seeing his mind working furiously through his eyes. This was the very reason Zach and I could never work. The only time Zach wore a look like that was when he was thinking about his next payday. All Dex cared about was helping people—plain and simple. I’d rather live in a shack with Dex than a penthouse with Zach. “Is there more that you could do?”

He shook his head. “Other than moving there, not really.”

“But what if you set up permanent health care there? Like some kind of partnership with Doctors Without Borders? Even a hospital?”

He absorbed what I said while keeping his eyes on the photos. Then he slowly turned to me and stared at me just as long.

Dex didn’t have a personality disorder, but he definitely had two different personalities. Off the clock, he was carefree, flirtatious, outgoing. But when he was on the clock, he was quiet, contemplative, serious…intense. I loved both versions of him. “That’s…not a terrible idea.” He stared me down for a long time.

“It would require a lot of funding, but maybe it could work.”

He nodded slowly. “It would be easier if it were a for-profit company so it could be self-sufficient, but I don’t see how that would happen.”

“Unless it provided some other kinds of services. But I don’t see how that would work.”

“Other services?” He continued to think in silence. “Other services…coffee.”

I stared at him blankly.

“Some of the world’s best coffee comes from there. Maybe we could get funding to set up coffee farms, people pay for the coffee, and all that money goes to run the hospital, which would be set up as tax-free because it’s a nonprofit. We could make it an American corporation to utilize all the loopholes.”

“How would we get people to work the farms?”

“We would pay them. Just a regular job.”

“You think that could work?”

“I think we could at least try to get it organized and see what happens.”

“Okay, I’ll do that.” It was another project on top of all my other responsibilities, but I was happy to do it because I knew it meant the world to him. If he could spend his life just making the world a better place, even if he never got paid for it, he would do it in a heartbeat.

He dropped his hand from his jaw, so his arms rested across his waist. Then he just stared at me.


He continued his stare.

I stepped closer, stopping when our legs touched.

His eyes remained glued to mine. “I never thought I would be happy again, let alone happier than I’ve ever been in my entire life.”

I flinched at the confession, because it meant more to me than when he said he loved me.

“I hope I can make you feel the same way…someday.”

My hands moved to his arms, and I leaned in closer, my forehead resting against his. “You already have.”

I sat at the front desk, my eyes down on my computer.

“My son treating you right?”

I looked up to see Deacon standing over me, in his blue scrubs, wearing a slight smile on his lips. “Yes, he is.”

“Good.” He stepped back. “I thought I’d see if he was free for lunch.”

Dex’s voice came from his office. “Only if I get to pick.”