But with Cleo…I wasn’t sure how that would work. She seemed to have a level head and didn’t hold grudges, and while she might not agree with my decision, she would understand it. I’d wanted Dex the moment I laid eyes on him, and I realized he was never mine to have. He’d always been wrapped in Catherine’s tentacles, and I never had a chance.

Kendra was nice and smart, and I was certain she would do a good job with Dex. It would take time for her to be proactive rather than reactive, and Dex would have to ask for the things he needed until she started to figure it out on her own. But he would be in good hands, and she would have the greatest job ever.

Dex didn’t call me.

I didn’t expect him to because he probably had no time, but he might not be able to either, with bad cell reception. But it really didn’t matter, because if he called, I probably wouldn’t answer.

When a week had come and gone, I knew I needed to start preparing for my unemployment, so I walked to the Trinity Building, passed the elevators, and approached the office in the rear. Cleo was at her desk, so I happened to catch her at a good time.

She looked at me. Looked away. And then abruptly looked at me again. “Sicily, what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be with Dex?”

“He went on his own. I decided to stay behind.” I pulled up a chair beside her, and thankfully, no one else was around so we could speak in private.

She gave a nod. “It’s understandable. It’s a different world over there, and anyone would feel a little unsure about going.”

Everyone’s first assumption was fear, but I wasn’t scared of anything, let alone going to a beautiful country I would probably never see otherwise. “It’s not that. I just thought it was the right time for Dex and me to go our separate ways.”

Now she looked at me like she didn’t understand my meaning at all.

“I broke it off with him. I hired him a replacement, and I’m training her now. I know this is a little weird, but…I was wondering if I could have my old job back.”

Cleo’s bewilderment slowly faded away. “I hope this isn’t because of what we talked about a couple nights ago.”

I gave a nod.

“Sicily.” Her eyes fell with sadness. “I get what you’re trying to do, but I don’t agree with it.”

“Catherine stopped by the office and…made me realize I’m a wedge between them.”

Like a lit match, her attitude immediately shifted to annoyance. “Well, it wasn’t her place to say something like that.”

“But it’s true. If it weren’t for me, they would be together—”

“And thank god for that. You think I want that selfish woman for my son? Absolutely not. I want my son to have a woman who truly loves him—and that’s you.”

I was really touched by what she said, so touched that I didn’t know what to say. “What about Ryan?”

“Ryan will be just fine. Catherine is an educated woman with help from her mother. She will give him a happy home while he’s there, and he’ll have an even happier home with Dex. Their separation is not a sign of abandonment.”

“I just…I feel terrible knowing I’m the reason they aren’t together.”

“Don’t be. She messed up.”

“But everyone messes up.” I looked away. “Deacon messed up in that bar. Dex messed up when he dumped me because Catherine was engaged. We all make mistakes, and we all deserve second chances. I know what Catherine did was wrong, but Dex even said they would have been together for the rest of their lives if her father hadn’t passed away. It was a crazy fluke. They would have forgiven each other if I weren’t around—how do you think that makes me feel when there’s a kid involved? Every Christmas will be separate, every holiday split between the two of them, and Dex looks like he’s going to cry every time he has to drop Ryan off. If I weren’t around, he would never have to drop him off.”

Cleo regarded me for a long time, her features turning stoic as she considered what I said. “You have a big heart, Sicily. You’re the most selfless person I’ve ever met, and that’s saying something because the people in my family are all pretty selfless. You’re willing to lose the love of your life because you think it’s in Dex’s best interest. I’m happy to give you your job back and help in whatever way I can. You’re like a daughter to me. But I have to say I don’t agree with your decision, and I hope you take some time to think it over.”



Sicily didn’t call or text.

Or email.


I half expected her to say something, at least work-related, but she was dead silent.