“It was.”

She throws up her hands. “Yes, but I picked a poorly timed fist fight with you, Savage. And in response, you pulled out a freaking Uzi!”

“Whatever, dude. We could go ‘round and ‘round about what happened in Atlanta, and who was the bigger asshole, until the end of time. It would be you, by the way. But what’s the point?”

“I literally hate you.”

I chuckle. “Or, we could stop arguing about this, and agree to disagree, and, instead, move on to you answering a very important question for me.”

She tilts her head, clearly intrigued. “What’s the question?”

I squat down, leveling my eyes with hers. “On the night your boyfriend cheated on you for the entire world to see, do you want to sit here, naked, in a hot tub, arguing with a guy who’s got a big ol’ dick and knows how to use it . . . or, do you want to agree to a temporary cease-fire with said guy, long enough to have the best revenge sex of your life?”

Her blue eyes gleaming, Laila bites back a wicked smile. She runs a fingertip across the rim of her bottle like she’s teasing the tip of my cock. And every nerve ending in my body feels it. She says, “If I say yes, nobody can ever know.”

I flash her a look like I’m deeply insulted. “You’d be ashamed for anyone to know you’d fucked The Great Adrian Savage?”

She replies with a look of her own that says, Well, duh. She says, “After the way you treated me in Atlanta, with everyone watching? Hell yes, I’d be ashamed for anyone to know I fucked you. Honestly, I’d be mortified.”

“Says the girl who’s been dating Malik Wallace for at least two months,” I toss out. “But, whatever. Fine. Nobody will ever know.”

“Promise me.”

“I promise.”

“It’d be revenge sex—a one-time thing that would never happen again,” she declares. “Afterwards, it never happened.”

“I get it, dude. No need to say it five different ways. Although I want to be able to tell one trusted person.”

“Kendrick?” she asks.

I nod. “I tell him everything. Plus, I think it will help him let go of any lingering crush he might have on you.”

She juts her lower lip. “Poor Kendrick. He’s the sweetest person in the world.”

“Don’t feel sorry for him. He dodged a bullet. You’re a psychopath.”

To my surprise, she laughs. “True.”

“Too bad for him, you’re a psychopath who only likes assholes, eh?”

She doesn’t correct me. She merely says, “I get to tell one trusted person, too.”

“Naturally. Who?”

“Aloha. She’ll scream at me. Tell me I’m a predictable idiot. She doesn’t like you very much.”

“Why not? I’m amazing.”

“She thinks you’re a player.”

“Pfft. Tell her to get in line, sister. Any other conditions, terms, or stipulations, Fitzy?”

She ponders that for a moment. Or, at least, she pretends to. “No. That’s it. I’ll probably hate myself in the morning, but I have to know.”

“You have to know what?”

Her expression turns wicked. “If those famous shots of you in the shower were real or Photoshopped.”

I waggle my eyebrows. “There’s only one way to find out.”

She pauses. “Do you have a condom?”

“I sure do.”

“Okay, then.” She pushes out her incredible tits, opens her thighs underneath the water, and purrs, “Then you’d better get your annoying ass in here, before I change my mind.”

She doesn’t need to ask me twice. With my dick as hard as a stone, I rise to standing and begin peeling off my clothes. When I get down to my briefs, and lodge my thumb underneath the waistband, the look of molten lust on Laila’s face reflects my own desires back to me. Every cell in my body on fire, I slowly pull my underwear down, freeing my hard shaft and eliciting a sharp intake of breath from Laila.

“No Photoshop there,” she purrs with appreciation. “Damn, boy.”

I slip into the water across from her and she immediately rises and greets me. Without hesitation, she grips my dick under the water, while I take her stunning face in my hands, beyond excited to finally kiss the lips that have entranced me for so long . . .

But it’s not meant to be.

Laila jerks back, saying, “You’ve been smoking.” And when I nod, she adds, “We shouldn’t kiss, anyway. That’s way too intimate a thing for one-time-only revenge sex.”

I’m disappointed, but such is life. I should have known.

I drop my hands to her bare shoulders and guide her to sitting, while she maintains her firm grip on my dick. My heart pounding, I smile and say, “Kissing that dirty little mouth of yours isn’t what I’ve been fantasizing about doing to it, anyway.”

She returns my smirk. “You admit you’ve been fantasizing about me?”

“You’re not the only one who gets off on the idea of hate sex, Laila.” With that, I reach down between her creamy thighs in the warm water, slide two fingers gently inside her and my thumb over her clit, and proceed to massage and finger her, methodically, without variation or mercy, while tracing her gorgeous lips with my free hand.