This was different. I mean, maybe these rich bastards were sleazy assholes in real life too. But they weren’t part of my real life. There was a ridiculous fantasy to this place.

And for once—I was here by choice.

So I gave in. I watched the two of them, mere feet away from me, as they all-out fucked. There was no other word for it.

He was fucking her. And she was mewling like she liked it. Maybe she was faking it, but I was a woman and a pretty good judge of character besides that. It was kind of my thing, being able to read people. I didn’t think she was faking it, especially when he started spanking and fucking her more vigorously. She was bucking back against him and squirming on his cock.

I clenched around the huge dildo inside me, my stomach hollowing out. And then my head turned, almost involuntarily.

Was Beau watching people fuck, too, or was he watching me pleasure myself? Was he turned on and stroking himself?

But he wasn’t where I’d last seen him. He wasn’t standing nearby anymore. No, the bastard had meandered over to the bar. He was getting himself a drink and talking to his buddy, not even looking my way or at the room full of debauchery.

I clenched my teeth.

He pissed me off; I couldn’t deny it. I was fucking infuriated. I was hot as hell.

I wanted his cock inside me, not this hard, cold imitation of a man. I closed my eyes and turned my head away from him, not wanting him to know I was looking for him.

But closing my eyes didn’t help because immediately I was back to the night I’d arrived, feeling his body over mine. I was back to only ten minutes before when he’d had his firm, commanding hand on my throat. Both times he’d had his thumb on my lips. In my mouth.

I spasmed around the dildo. My first orgasm of what I suspected would be many.

Fuck, even the very thought of him could get me off.

But I knew that already, didn’t I? Him as spank bank material had been doing this to me for the past two months since that very first night. He did not break me for other men. Repeating the sad mantra to myself that I’d repeated a thousand times since that night didn’t help.

Especially since I still had a huge dildo shoved up my cooch and the breathy sounds of sex noises were growing in volume all around me.

Fuck Beau Radcliffe. This wasn’t about him! This was about me. Me and my future. Me and my beautiful, beautiful future and the perfect life I was going to have. I wasn’t going to wait to have it, either. I was going to start having it now. Right now, with a tower of blisteringly bright orgasms that I gave myself, all by myself.

I opened my eyes and looked up at the ceiling, at the mirror reflecting myself, spread wide and skin flushed, dildo piercing my center and my other hand caressing my clit.

I was hot. I was sexy. I would take my orgasms even if I had to fantasize about Beau Radcliffe to get them. So I gave in and imagined his body over mine. In the mirror I imagined him climbing over me.

I imagined him pulling the dildo out of my hand and tossing it to the floor like the other man had. I imagined him releasing that perfect cock of his and thrusting inside me, unable to hold back any longer. He’d be rock hard from watching me and thinking about me even though he hadn’t wanted me to see, pretending to drink and not wanting me to know how obsessed he was at the thought of my hot cunt.

But he’d finally plunge home to where he’d wanted to be from the second I’d kicked off my leggings upstairs. Oh God, yes, he’d sink inside me. One hand would be at my throat, thumb at my lips, shoving his way inside.

I’d cry out around him because in one thrust, I was already climaxing as soon as he bottomed out deep inside, yes, oh God, yes—

God, what did this man do to me? It wasn’t fair. But oh God, I gave in to it. I arched into him, his weight pressing me back down, possessing me, pushing my limits, grinding against my clit—

I screamed as my orgasm lit higher. I’d thought I was at the climax, but I’d been wrong. It was just another ledge on my way up the mountain, and I was only beginning to glimpse the supernova at the real peak.

My legs began to tremble at the same time occasional hard spasms rocked my body with the sharp pleasure. Oh God, so good, so ecstatic and sharp, pointed. I was shaking again, more spasms, more, oh God more—