“What do you want? I’ll grab the goods and you snag us a couple of seats?” I suggested. He put his hand over the mouthpiece, “Quadruple and a cup of steamed almond milk, please.” I laughed in spite of myself as I waited in line. Rough was a walking fucking contradiction. I wondered where he had to go to get suits tailored to his size. Wondered how and where I could fit in in the regular world. I hadn’t cared in years, but now that Sky was a part of my life, I wanted to change that. I wanted to give her the very best—whatever she wanted—everything she deserved.

“Uh Fuck, sorry. A quadruple espresso and a glass of steamed almond milk?” I told the barista. Her eyes panned the room, “That’s the DA’s order. Malcolm Miller,” she told me frankly.

“Yeah, it’s for him. Can you give us a couple of those sandwiches in the case and I’ll just have a large coffee.” This was Rough’s regular joint. I smiled again imagining some of the other brothers ordering almond milk or wearing the expensive get up Rough was in.

He had the best seat in the house, a big round table right by the window and it was like the crowd had thinned out just for him.

“Yes. At two o’clock. I’ve got to go, my lunch meeting is here. Fine, let’s do four on the sixth and send out a confirmation.”

He hung up the phone without saying goodbye. I handed him the drinks and he nodded in gratitude. He poured the giant espresso into the steaming milk and mixed it with a spoon.

“Are you here to formally ask me if you can date my daughter, Patriot?”

All the air nearly whooshed out of my lungs. Straight shooter Rough.

Fuck my life.

“Yes, sir,” I said.

“Are you in love with her? Are you serious?”

“Yes and yes,” I told him.

Malcolm leaned back in his chair and he cracked all of his knuckles. He reached in his breast pocket for cigarettes and then rubbed his face probably remembering he’d quit for Claire and that indoor smoking had been banned over ten years ago. The question stressed him out, shit it stressed me out to. Our sandwiches arrived and I think we’d both already lost our appetites.

“First off, you have to ask her, not me. She’s a grown woman and independent. I didn’t adopt her to be her keeper. She’ll make all and any decisions about her romantic life regardless of me or her mother.”

“But your answer would be no?” I asked him. I wanted a cigarette now too.

“It’s not that cut and dry, Patriot. The kid has been through a whole hell of a lot. If it were that simple, I’d guess she’d have already gone on dates like most girls her age. We’ve invested a lot in her recovery as a family. I’m not talking about money. I mean investments of hope, the ability for her to grow and change and leave the tragedy behind her.”

“I understand. You’d see me as a setback.”

“Did I say that? No. Patriot, if you love her, there is nothing I can say to you to change your mind. If you break her heart, I will kill you. If you hurt her body, I will kill you. If you fuck with her mind, I will tear your limbs from your body and feed them to you. Other than that, you have my blessing.” He chugged his last sip and stood up abruptly, pushing back his chair. I stood up too surprised that our talk had lasted all of two minutes.

“She is vulnerable when it comes to her trauma, but tough as nails in all other aspects. I have no doubt in my mind that she’ll become an amazing doctor and change the world someday. If you can keep up with her, Patriot, do. I’m glad it’s you. I couldn’t have asked for a better man.”

With that, he clapped me on the back so hard, I nearly lost my balance.

“Thanks for your blessing, Miller. I know I don’t deserve her, but I won’t let any harm come to her, least of all by my own hand. I know how much you and Claire love her and I’ll do everything in my power to be the man she deserves.”

Malcolm held the door for me as we walked out onto the busy sidewalk. He put his aviators back on and looked at me squarely.

“This isn’t a blessing. This is me knowing my daughter will never speak to me again if I don’t agree she has every right to do whatever the hell she wants with her life. Just be careful, Dex. Heal her. Love her. Don’t fault her for the parts she can’t fix.”

I nodded my head. Rough had just given me permission and my soul started to soar. I wouldn’t let him down. I’d work every day to become the best fucking version of myself. I’d be worthy of her love. Rough saluted me goodbye and gave me the Valor handshake right on the steps of the criminal courthouse.