She touched her nose with the tip of fingers and brushed them away in the air. This girl was watching YouTube ASL videos, she just signed to me that she didn’t care.

“I’ve learned to not judge myself for my own past, Dex. It’s taken me years, but I’m finally there. The last thing I would do is judge another for theirs. We aren’t our mistakes. We aren’t the bad things that happened to us. The choices you make when you’re trying to survive are different than the choices you make when your life is stable.” She stood up from the bed and paced the small room fingering the locket I’d given her on her graduation day, already more than two years ago.

“Even if I had it all together, I doubt I’d be able to approach Rough and ask his permission to ask you out. Fuck. If I’m being honest, Sky, it’s too little too late. I’m already fucking in love with you.”

She stopped when I said it and came over to me. I stood from the bed to meet her and wrapped my arms around her small frame. It wasn’t the way I’d imagined saying it to her, but the truth was out now and at least maybe that way we could talk about it.

Sky searched my eyes, her own welling with tears. She signed, “I love you,” to me with a fierceness that broke my heart in two. What the fuck was I thinking, falling for Rough’s daughter? And a woman who’d been traumatized by the very sickness I’d dedicated my whole life to fighting.

“You don’t have to ask Rough’s permission to be with me. I’m my own whole person and Miller would be the first to agree with me. They don’t meddle when it comes to my personal relationships, they know I need to have the control to feel some sort of agency.”

She spread her fingers on my chest and slipped her arms up around my neck. My cock was so hard that it was straining through my pants. I gripped Sky’s chin with my thumb and forefinger while I stared at her mouth. Hesitation lasted one second before I pulled her to me and devoured her. Sky met me back with an explosive passion that surprised the hell out of me. She was aggressive, she didn’t stop, she moaned when she bit my bottom lip and I had to actively force myself not to come in my pants. Sky walked me backward toward the bed and pushed me down, silkily sliding on top of me in a straddle. We never lost eye contact, we barely came up for air as we kissed.

I knew what she was doing. I wasn’t stupid. Assertiveness was Sky’s only defense against the abuse she’d suffered. She had to feel in charge to convince herself she wasn’t being taken advantage of. I didn’t know psychology, I didn’t do love and relationships, but I knew Skylar, inside and out. This was her taking her own power back. If I could facilitate her healing in any way, I’d do it in a heartbeat.

I let her straddle me, I let her ride my dick through my jeans, I let her suck my tongue into her mouth and fellate it like it was my dick—all the while, I kept my hands behind my head. I didn’t make any sudden moves and I certainly didn’t have any demands. I liked her like this, it was sexy as fuck. And her eyes at half-mast told me she was running high on the endorphins of lust.

When she rolled onto her back beside me, she was panting. I could see the rapid rise and fall of her chest. Her shirt was wrinkled and she had lipstick smudged onto her cheek. I rubbed it off with my thumb and brushed her hair away from her face.

“Can I kiss you now?” I asked her. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and I positioned myself so only the upper half of my body was above her, supporting my weight with my biceps. I took her delicate mouth in mine and kissed her deeply, thoroughly. She seemed more apprehensive on her back, but she wasn’t scared or anything.

“Can I touch you here?” I asked her lightly caressing over her breast. She nodded her head and took my hand, placing it under her shirt. I lifted it up, unclasped her bra fastener in the front and laid bare her perfect breasts with their pink rose petal nipples. I sucked one into my mouth and my hand searched for the warmth between her legs. I suckled her nipple to a stone and then flicked it with my tongue. When I found the waistband of her shorts, I pulled back from her breast and looked into her eyes. They were blue oceans of pleasure spiked with fear.