Page 9 of The Prince's Pet

“Laws don't mean anything to men like that.” Larz tapped out a message on his phone and then pocketed it and looked up at me. “We'll hunker down here tonight, you sleep, I'll keep watch if they come back. Tomorrow morning we'll go to your aunt's place and collect the rest of your things.”

My heart crumpled. My hopes of freedom in Denmark dashed after just a few weeks of being in the country.

“My father is a bad man, Larz, it wouldn't be right if I let you get more involved than you already are. I've only been in your life a few days and already my presence puts you at risk.”

“Oh I'm knee-deep involved, Pet,” his hands came to my cheeks, “and I wouldn't have it any other way. Protecting you is the only thing I can think to do right now. If they want to take you, they'll have to get through me first.”

Warm tears threatened at my eyes.

“Now, get some sleep. I'll be right here.” He settled me on the couch, cocooned me in a thick blanket and then dropped a kiss on my forehead. “Sweet dreams, Pet.”



“Morning, Princess.”

I smiled in my sleep, Larz's rich voice curling through my veins like molten lava.

I felt his lips before I'd even opened my eyes. He started kissing at my wrist, dotting his way up the underside and making my nipples pucker tightly.

“Mm, good morning,” I hummed.

“You look good enough to eat. I went crazy watching you sleep all night.”

“All night?” I asked as I opened my eyes.

His hair was rumpled, his dark eyes playful. “Every moment. I never took my eyes off of you.” His tongue darted out, tracing a path across my inner elbow. “I couldn't.” He gathered me into his arms, inhaling a breath at my neck. “Sleep well?”

“Yes, knowing you were here made me feel safe.”

“Good.” He slipped his heavy palm under my shirt and rubbed my bare back. “Do you want me to go get your stuff alone? I can be there and back before you know it.”

“No.” I shook my head. “I'll leave a note for my aunt and there are a few things I need that might be hard to find.”

“Okay.” He kissed me softly on the lips, nipping once before I opened the seam of my lips and his tongue tangled with mine. He sucked the sensitive flesh softly, ending our kiss with a small nip before pulling away.

“Is it okay if we go now? I'd like to get back and do a few pull-ups in the barn before catching a quick nap.”

I nodded, following him as he crossed the room and shoved on his boots. I did the same, eager to get my things and get back to his cozy cottage. I imagined a hot shower and then coffee while he worked out.

A few minutes later we were walking hand-in-hand down the lane, my aunt's tiny cottage already in view.

“Something seems off,” I mused as we got closer.

“Yeah?” Larz's body tensed.

“The garden gate is open. I know I didn't leave it like that. My aunt is very particular about locking it every single time it's closed.”

Larz's eyes assessed the cottage. “Give me a minute to search the place first, I don't want you walking into an ambush.”

“An ambush?” Fear took hold in my throat.

Larz dropped my hand and was already walking through the gate and up the stone path. He reached the door, turning to shoot me a concerned glance when he found the front door unlocked.

I clamped down on my lip with my teeth, watching him. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched by someone else.

What length would my father go to to have me back under his control?

“Pet!” Larz called from the door a few seconds later, waving me to him.

I ran up the path, hands around his waist as soon as I reached him.

“Someone's been inside.”


He turned me then, locking my fingers in his as he stepped back into the house.

“Oh no,” I covered my mouth when I realized my aunt's cottage had been entirely turned upside down. “they broke everything, what do you think they were looking for?”

Larz shook his head, poking his way through the destruction. “Check if your stuff is missing.”

He followed me down the small hallway to the tiny guest room. I spotted my duffle and backpack on the floor, not where I'd left it.

I dug through the contents quickly. “It's all here.”

Larz nodded. “Does your aunt keep anything valuable in the house?”

“Not that I know of,” I replied.

Larz zipped my bag, then tossed it over his shoulder. “We've got to go.” Worry left his words clipped. “I'm afraid you were the target they were after.”

I nodded, yanking my backpack over my shoulder and then going into the bathroom to gather my toiletries. “Do you think the fireworks last night are connected to this?”