Page 4 of One Wright Stand

“I think I need a drink,” I told Jennifer.

“A drink? Aren’t you still drunk?”

“Just one…so I can function.”

“You’re a mess.”

“True story. But after this weekend, it’s serious Annie all the time. Medical school is no joke, and I want to get all of my fun out before I spend the next four years studying my ass off.”

Jennifer immediately softened. “Of course. You’re right. You should have fun. You’ll be so busy later.”

“You will, too! As soon as you get that pharmacy school application in.”

Jennifer’s cheeks colored. “Yes…just as soon as I do that.”

I ruffled her blonde hair and then grabbed a beer out of the fridge. Jennifer disappeared, clicking away with her Canon Rebel like the professional I knew she wanted to be. She always said pharmacy school was her dream, but she had major parental pressure. It sure didn’t help that her older brother was a genius, but it didn’t excuse them not seeing her own passion. The only time she really lit up was when that camera was in front of her face. I sure hoped one day she’d see that, too.

I tipped back the beer, trying to shake off the lingering hangover. I was serious about buckling down once I started school on Monday. Of course, I’d still be around. Jensen and Emery’s wedding was coming up, which I had no plans of missing. But the Annie who everyone knew from the last couple years would soon be gone. I couldn’t afford to fuck this up. Not when I really, really wanted this.

So, I’d have my last week of fun, easygoing, flirtatious Annie. Then it was good-bye freedom and hello medical school.

I downed the rest of the beer and tossed it into the recycling. I grabbed another because why not? Then I stripped out of my cover-up and leaned against the back doorframe as I observed the pool party in full swing.

The rectangular-shaped pool was enormous with a diving board and spa. Already, kids were splashing in the shallow end while guys in board shorts and six-packs tried to coax each other into more outrageous feats off the diving board. Heidi, Emery, and Julia had migrated to beach chairs, where Heidi had lathered up in oil, Emery continued to read her book, and Julia hid her face under a low-hanging baseball cap. As promised, Jensen and Landon were grilling. Jennifer took pictures of the event, careful to keep back from the pool with her precious baby.

And then my eyes snapped to a person who was completely out of place.

“Oh my God,” I whispered.

The hot guy from the bar was here.



I blinked rapidly. I must be hallucinating. What the fuck was Jordan doing at a Wright pool party?

He stood near the grill, observing what was happening but not interfering. He held a beer in his hand and sipped it absentmindedly. And dear fucking God, he was in nothing but short blue swim trunks. The kind reserved for surfers who wanted to show off their tanned, muscular thighs…which he had…and the ripped fucking six-pack, which he also had, and that goddamn V that ended somewhere in his shorts. My mind went fuzzy at the thought of what was underneath that. Because yes, please, and thank you.

I didn’t think. I just reacted, striding across the tiled pool walkway, straight to where he stood.

His eyes flickered over to me for a second, and then he did a double take, as if realizing the same thing that I just had.

I ate up the rest of the steps and then stopped directly in front of him.

“Annie?” he said, as if conjuring my name from thin air.

“Family obligations, huh?”

He laughed, and I melted at the sound. “What are you doing here?”

“Me? This is a Wright pool party. Sutton Wright is my best friend. What exactly are you doing here?”

He grinned devilishly, and for a second, I imagined all the ways he could use that perfect mouth on my body. He held his hand out. “I believe we should start over.”

I slid my hand into his. “Okay?”

“I’m Jordan. Jordan Wright.”

My heart stopped beating. “Jordan…Wright,” I breathed. “As in…you’re the Wright cousin. The one from…Canada?”

“That’s me.”

“Oh,” I squeaked.

He still hadn’t released my hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you again, Annie. Though unexpected.”

Unexpected was an understatement. Now that I saw it, I couldn’t unsee it. Of course, Jordan was a Wright. He had the same characteristic smile and those deep, dark eyes and that style that only money could possibly buy. No wonder I’d been immediately into him. I’d had a childhood crush on all three of Sutton’s completely unattainable, older brothers. But friendship was more important than anything.

Sutton had one rule to our friendship: her brothers were off-limits.

But she hadn’t said anything about her cousins.

Well, this had taken a turn in my favor.

Not just because he was a Wright, of course. That was a bonus. I’d been into Jordan the minute I saw him walk into that bar, and I’d kicked myself all night for not getting his number. I had no intention of wasting the opportunity a second time.