Page 17 of One Wright Stand

And I was a fucking goner.

I rolled her hips to reach deeper and deeper points. Then I lifted her hips and forced her back down. Over and over again. She righted her body, using her knees to help me lift and lower her. Until we were nothing but a fast rhythm of her impaling herself on my cock. And watching her tits bounce, her mouth forming into an O, and her red hair running wild, I was ready to come.

“Oh, Jordan. Fuck,” she ground out. “Keep going. I’m so close.”

I sat up, crushing her chest to mine. She wrapped her legs tight around my body, and I worked her harder and harder. Until she cried out, throwing her head back as her orgasm hit her. As she tightened hard around me, it triggered my own release. I tugged her even closer as I thrust one more time into her, spending every last drop.

Annie shivered for a few seconds before collapsing backward onto the bed. “Oh my God.”

And it was all I could think, too. Because oh my fucking God.

I tossed the condom and cleaned up, coming back to the bedroom to find her half-asleep, still in the exact position I’d left her.

“You fucked me senseless.”

I laughed as I reached for my clothes again. “You were the one who asked for a quickie.”

“It was not a complaint,” she said with a lascivious smirk.

Fuck, I wanted to crawl back into that bed and get her to look at me like that for all of eternity.

But I couldn’t.

“I have to go.”

She sighed heavily. “I know.”

She didn’t repeat the things we’d said last night. About how we both wished that I could stay. There was no point. I was leaving. The afterglow had faded, and only reality remained.

I finished buttoning up my shirt, and she still lay there, completely naked. It was making it very difficult to focus.

“One more time?” she whispered.

“I wish I could, love,” I breathed, pressing a kiss to her swollen pink lips.

“Do you…need a ride back to your hotel?”

I shook my head. Saying good-bye to her was already too hard. I wasn’t going to make it more difficult on both of us. “I’d rather imagine you still naked in bed, if I’m honest.”

She laughed and pulled me down for another kiss. Her eyes said all that I needed to know. I was sure that mine mirrored that look. The one that said, Stay.

So, I stepped back, releasing her and all the warring thoughts in my mind. The treacherous parts that said maybe I could stay. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if I could have this, too.

Then I remembered how I broke relationships. How they fell apart in my hands like sand in a sieve. I didn’t want to break this, too. It would be better to remember this one perfect night than to wreck what could have been with what would be.

Still, I kissed her one more time before hurrying out of her room. I found my shoes where I’d left them at the entranceway and ran into her roommate, Jennifer, with a cup of coffee.

“Oh!” she gasped. “You’re still here.”

“Just leaving.”

“She must really like you.”

“Oh yeah?”

Jennifer shrugged. “She doesn’t bring guys home. Not ever. It’s her rule.”

I stared at her in confusion. “She didn’t seem concerned with bringing me back.”

“Well, yeah, like I said…”

She must really like you.

Fuck. I needed to get out of here. I couldn’t think about that. I was set on my course, and I had no intention of changing paths. No matter that there was a feisty redhead who made me want to throw out all of my rules, too.

“Nice meeting you,” I said to Jennifer while I wrangled an Uber back to the hotel.

She waved as I left. And I tried not to think about the fact that I was leaving Annie behind.



The drive to the hotel was blessedly short. I was making my first ever walk of shame. Though I felt no shame for my night with Annie. The exact opposite actually. I was light as air.

I tapped my card to enter the room and found it in chaos. Instead of the quiet judgment I’d expected to find from my mom and brother, I found that the entire suite had been taken over by Wrights. All five of my cousins were crammed into the space. Jensen speaking with my mom on the couch. Morgan and Austin seemingly embroiled in some debate with Julian. Landon had his arms crossed, a look of derision on his face, as he watched. As if he knew exactly how this would end and wanted no part of it. Sutton stood at the window, staring off into space. No one seemed to notice her clear look of distress.

It was Sutton who noticed me first. I was still in last night’s clothes. My hair was freshly sex-tousled. My shoes still dirty from the barn. It was pretty obvious where I’d been and what I’d been doing.