Page 16 of One Wright Stand

He reached out and brushed the loose strands of my hair out of my face, entranced. “Come here.”

He shifted me into the spot against his chest with my head resting on his shoulder. I felt…secure. Like this was where I was always meant to be. A piece of the puzzle that had settled into place.

Even though it didn’t make sense. This was a one-night stand. It was with a guy who was leaving tomorrow. Who I’d probably never see again. It wasn’t supposed to be anything more than that. We were both into each other, so why deny the inevitable?

But then this had happened. The incredible sex where he knew just what I wanted and how and when. Even when I’d wanted faster and more, he had taken his time, building my climax higher and higher until I touched the clouds before coming down. This…this was something else. Something mind-blowing.

Jordan Wright had changed me. We might have only known each other for twenty-four hours, but something had shifted.

So, I said the thing I shouldn’t. The thing that I should keep in my heart and lock away forever.

“I wish you were staying,” I said, barely above a whisper.

And to my surprise, he kissed my head, threaded our fingers together, and said, “Me too.”



The next morning, sunlight streaked in through the open blinds. I blinked awake to the unfamiliar surroundings. Then Annie’s comforting weight wrapped up in my arms, fast asleep and relaxed, brought me back to the night before. I couldn’t keep the smile from my face. When was the last time I’d felt this way? So…free.

I honestly couldn’t remember. Missy and I had dated nearly a year, probably the longest relationship of my life, and I’d never once felt like this. It had been a constant struggle to keep up with her high-profile life and ever more ridiculous demands. There was no freedom in a life lived in manipulation.

Who knew that I’d have to come to Lubbock, Texas—the place my father had sworn to never take me—to find even an ounce of hope?

Annie snuggled in closer. Her arm slung across my waist with her head buried in my shoulder. She sighed pleasantly as she got more comfortable.

I could stay here forever.

The thought shocked me. Shocked me enough for reality to close back in.

This wasn’t my life. This was…a one-night stand with a beautiful woman. Nothing more. Nothing less. It couldn’t be anything else. Not when I had a life in Vancouver and a business to run there.

I reached across the bed for my phone, where I’d left it last night on the nightstand. The screen blinked on, and the time read ten o’clock.

My eyes bulged.

Ten o’clock? Fuck.

My normal wake-up time was six. I went for my five-mile run before showering and heading into the office. I’d never in a million years thought that I’d sleep past even seven. Our flight back home was set to leave at one fifteen. Normally, that would be plenty of time, but right now, it sent me into a panic.

“Annie,” I whispered, lightly shaking her awake.

Big green eyes looked up at me. She yawned and stretched her arm overhead. “G’morning,” she murmured. “What time is it?”


“Mmm.” She snuggled even closer. “Good. Then we have a few hours before I have to be human.”

I would have laughed, except that her hand was drifting lower to the waistline of my boxer briefs. “Annie…I have to go.”

“Already? Are you sure?” she asked sleepily.

Her hand slipped underneath, and my cock hardened at her touch. Now, I was not sure about leaving. Not even a little. Maybe I should have left before she woke up, but I didn’t want to leave, and that was the problem.

I stilled her hand. “I have a flight to catch.”

Her nose moved to my ear. “It could be a quickie.”

Fuck, this woman. Fuck. Where had she come from? And how was I just finding her now?

When I didn’t stop her again, she took that as acquiescence. She tossed her leg over my body, straddling my hips. She wore nothing but a pink thong, her amazing tits on full display as she ground herself against me.

Well, fuck it.

I reached into the side table, where she’d revealed a stash of condoms last night, and pulled one out. We discarded our underwear, and then she fitted the condom onto my cock, inch by inch.

I was beyond wondering whether or not this was a good idea.

Annie lifted her hips, leaning forward to brush her lips against mine, and then she aligned my cock with her opening. It was sweet torture, watching her take control. The feel of her pussy inching down over me. I couldn’t take it anymore. I slammed her down hard.

She gasped. Her eyes rolled back into her head, but the word that came out of her mouth was, “Yes.”