My breaths come out as a series of hiccups as I nod eagerly, my cheek bumping with the curve of his dick.

“I will, I will,” I whisper, eagerly.

His eyes glow. “Then what are you waiting for?”

At this, I take him into my mouth.

I suck on his head with my pouty lips, his flavor exploding. Not only on my tongue but everywhere. My toes and my legs and my stomach and my chest.

Everywhere I feel his heat and his spice.

He pulls his t-shirt up and moves it out of the way to watch me pleasure him. His eyes bore into mine and it makes me both shy and bold at the same time. Or at least, it makes my mouth bold and I begin vacuuming him in.

But my eyes can’t keep up. His stare is too much and I have to close them.

Even so, I feel his lustful stare.

I even see him in my head.

I see him, leaning against the wall like a god or a king, as I serve him like the overeager groupie I am. I dig my tongue into the tiny slit of his cock up top, curling it to scoop out his cum, and when he grunts above me, his hips arching off the wall, I feel that everywhere too.

Just like his taste, I feel his lusty, animal noises in every part of my body.

Especially in my hands when I wrap them around his beautiful dick, before enveloping it in my mouth as much as I can and fucking him.

God, his dick is beautiful. A piece of art on my tongue.

So heavy and meaty.

So flavorful.

His dick is my baby and I make love to it with my tongue and my lips.

It works because he grunts again.

Not only that, his hips are moving and arching and when I open my eyes to look up, I see that his head is thrown back, bunched up in a thick frown and he’s got his t-shirt clenched between his teeth as he pumps his hips.

That clench. Holy fuck.

The strain in his jaw and those tight muscles on his abdomen. The sweat misting his hot flesh as he fists my hair.

Everything about him is so fucking beautiful that I redouble my efforts. I move my hands faster. I move my lips faster too. And he becomes harder, plumper, prettier and tastier in my mouth.

So much more aggressive and harsher until he simply explodes.

His cock jerks and shoots cum down my throat and I swallow it all like he told me to.

I drink up the liquid heat of his orgasm. It flows down my throat and settles in my stomach, warming me up.

I keep doing it until he’s done.

Until he sighs out a big breath and his fists loosen up. Until he relaxes against the wall and looks down at me with slitted eyes.

When our gazes clash, I pant and wipe my mouth off with the back of my hand. “Thank you.”

A big puff of air escapes him and, bending down, he puts his hands under my armpits and pulls me up, making me climb his body once again.

I rest my head against his shoulders. “You taste like fire, all hot and tangy.”

His answer is to place a soft, silent kiss on my forehead and walk back to his motorcycle.

An hour later when he drops me off at St. Mary’s and I sneak back into my room, I can still taste him on my lips.

I’m so high on it, so engrossed in his fiery taste, that my heart punches right out of my chest when I hear my roommate’s first words to me. “Did you go somewhere?”

I’m almost all the way down on the bed, my blanket poised over me when she asks me this. And I don’t know how but I answer her.

“Yes. Bathroom.”

It comes out squeaky and high and all the things that should tell her that I’m lying.

I’m fucking lying.

But she accepts it and turns around in the bed to face away from me and promptly starts snoring.

Elanor gives me weird looks the next day and the day after that, and the day after that.

Or maybe it’s me.

Maybe I’m imagining things.

Because honestly, she always gives me weird looks, along with her other three friends. Although they don’t harass me anymore.

Not since Arrow put them in their place.

So I don’t know if I should be worried about what happened that night, the night I got back from my ride with Arrow.

I don’t know if I should be worried that my roommate might know something. And if she knows then other people might come to know too.

People like the principal, my guardian, Leah.

She’ll be super disappointed in me for sneaking out and breaking rules like this, when her main aim in sending me here was to learn to follow them. If she finds out that I go to see Arrow, then I don’t know how severely she might react.