The things he liked about her were the very things that made others turn away. He didn’t put up with those things. He was drawn to them.

She’d found someone who saw her, who she really was, and he’d stepped closer instead of running in the other direction.

And she’d fucked it completely up. Was still doing that.

“It’s really big of you to attend the wedding, but you probably shouldn’t be the one to do the poetry reading.”

The familiar voice startled Elle out of her thoughts and sent disgust slithering down her spine. She didn’t turn to look at the man who’d sidled up next to her. “Go away, Henry. I’m holding this for my mother.”

“I was making a joke.”

“Did you not hear me?”

He gave a put-upon sigh, as if she were being so very unreasonable. “You know, it doesn’t have to be this way. I have no ill feelings toward you, Elle.”

She couldn’t help the snort that escaped. She looked at him. “Oh, you don’t harbor ill feelings toward me, the wife you cheated on. Duly noted. That’s very big of you, as you’d say.”

“Right, I’m always the bad guy.” He gave her a disgusted look and tucked his hands in his pockets. “Let’s not pretend like I destroyed our marriage on my own. You abandoned me way before Nina became a factor. You were married to your job and in love with your own status. When we slept together, you acted like you were doing me a favor. When we were out with friends, you always had to one up me, make me look like I wasn’t as smart or as successful as the precocious doctor.”

She stared at him, not believing the words coming out of his mouth. “So you get a free pass to cheat because I wasn’t the doting wife who worshipped her husband and made him feel like the big man? Insecure, much?”

“Whatever, Elle. I was just trying to offer a truce for Nina’s sake. I hate seeing her unhappy, and the gulf between you two eats at her.”

“It should. That’s what happens when you stab someone who loved you in the back. She deserves whatever she got.”

Henry’s eyes narrowed. “Goddamn, you always had a mean streak but when did you become such a bitter bitch?” He glanced out at the audience. “No wonder you had to hire some hooker to drag here with you this weekend.”

Her body went cold, her muscles stiff, but she fought to keep her expression unchanged. “If you’re talking about my fiancé, you need to—”

“Come on, Elle,” he said, cutting her off and looking her way. “Be a better liar. He’s years younger than you and you’re not going to jump into marriage. I called a cop friend and checked Lane out because something didn’t feel right. He has a prior arrest on his record for solicitation.”

Elle’s heartbeat thumped like a bass drum in her ears.

“So either you hired a prostitute or you’re marrying one. I’m sure your mother would love to know she has a gutter rat staying under her roof.”

Elle’s rage meter climbed, making her vision blur at the edges. “Do not…call him that.”

“So, I’m curious,” Henry said, on a roll now. “Are you just paying him to be on your arm or are you actually letting his filthy dick touch you? Because God knows the places he’s stuck—”

Elle wasn’t sure how it happened. But one second her fingers were digging into the heavy book of The Bard’s greatest hits and the next, she was swinging it at high velocity. The move was so quick, she surprised herself, but more importantly, she surprised Henry. The massive tome connected with the side of Henry’s face with a satisfying thwack, and Henry let out a high-pitched howl.

His hands flew up to his face and blood poured from his nose. Elle could hear the shocked voices of the people who’d been preparing for the rehearsal, could see them in her periphery, but she didn’t turn away from Henry.

“Doc!” Lane’s voice sounded urgent but distant.

Someone shrieked, maybe her sister.

Henry’s eyes filled with rage, the man behind the polished mask. He launched himself at her, grabbing her roughly by the arm and shaking her, his fingers digging into her flesh. “You fucking bitch! What is the matter—”

That was all he got out before a hand was darting out, grabbing Henry’s other arm and wrenching it behind his back.

“Let her go or you’re going to have a broken arm to add to the nose. And I might not stop there.” Lane’s voice was a growl, vicious in its calmness

Henry winced when Lane jerked a little harder, and he released Elle. But a sneer filled his face. “So your whore fucks you and acts as bodyguard? Hope you’re paying him well.”

Lane’s eyes met hers over Henry’s head and he roughly released Henry’s arm.

Nina ran up, eyes wild. “What are you doing?” She glanced at Henry’s bleeding face. “What did you do?”