He’d gone back to Texas this week. There’d been a break in his parents’ case earlier this month. A new arrest had been made—a career criminal known for break-ins. Marin had worried that the news would derail Donovan. But he’d handled it well—taking a few days to absorb the information, to process it, but getting comfort from having some sort of closure, some justice.

Donovan brushed her hair away from her face. “I’m good, Rush. I’m really good.”

“Good.” She smiled and kissed him again. She never got tired of doing that. “I love you.”

“I know.”

She rolled her eyes.

“Don’t give me that look. Love isn’t a strong enough word for what I feel for you, woman. New words need to be invented. Maybe whole languages.”

Warmth moved through her. “You can be devastatingly romantic when you want to be, you know that?”

He nuzzled his nose against hers. “Don’t let the word get out.”

“Stop making out and get your asses over here. There are toasts to be made,” Oriana called out. “Drinks to be had. Drunken mistakes to commit.”

Marin and Donovan laughed, and he let her go so they could take their seats at the table.

Once they were settled, Ori raised her mug high and the rest of the people at the table followed suit. “To Dr. Rush, the newest official member of our crazy-ass team. May she facilitate many happy relationships and many successful orgasms during her illustrious career.”

“Ori!” Marin shot her a disbelieving look.

“Well, she is excellent at facilitating them,” Donovan offered from the spot next to her, an unrepentant grin on his face. “Exceptional, really.”

“Oh my God. Shut up.” She smacked Donovan’s arm, making his drink slosh.

And her little brother, who apparently everyone had forgotten had been invited to this soiree, put his face in his hands and groaned. “Dear God, please let a lightning bolt hit me. Please erase this memory from my head.”

Everybody laughed and Kai put a hand on Nate’s knee as he grinned. “Your family’s parties are the best, dude.”

Nate glanced up, a long-suffering look on his face, but when his eyes met Marin’s, she saw the glimmer there, the quirk of a smile. Family. Yeah, that was nice.

They’d always had each other. They always would. But looking at the faces around the table—Lane and Ori and Ysabel. Donovan. She could feel her heart swell big in her chest. She hadn’t just found a job. Or her passion. Or love.

She’d found their place.

Nate lifted his Coke, his cheeks red. “To orgasms then!”

Everyone clinked their mugs, and the resounding chorus rang out in the restaurant. “To orgasms!”

Then they drank and laughed and ate. They made fun of each other and walked each other home. They did what friends and family do. And when she fell into bed next to Donovan later that night and felt his arms go around her, his naked body pressing against hers, all she could do was smile.

He rolled her beneath him and stared down at her with one of his wicked looks. “What’s on that mind of yours, Rush?”

She let her hands slide down his back, loving the heat of him, the hard muscle, the way he felt against her. “Really, really dirty things. Scandalous, even.”

“I was hoping you’d say that.” He grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head, his grip hard as he aligned himself along her body “Tell me all about it, Dr. Rush.”

She did.

In illicit detail.

And she never once blushed.