The sight of her naked, warm form beneath that robe was calling to him. His cock had already grown hard and urgent against his fly. He wanted to take his time this go-round, explore and nibble and taste every inch of her. But he’d promised her something, and he wasn’t going to deny her.

He reached behind him and tugged off his T-shirt, liking the way her eyes roved over him. “I’m all yours, gorgeous.”

She pushed up onto an elbow and then flattened a hand against his shoulder, urging him onto his back. She propped herself above him and gave him a long, slow consideration. When her eyes lingered on the outline of his erection, his cock responded, growing even harder and sending a sharp ache through him.

“You really are unfairly beautiful,” she declared.

A choked laugh snuck out of him. “Somehow I feel like you’re insulting me.”

“I totally am.” Her hand curved around his erection and stroked. All joking fell aside as his stomach muscles tensed, the light touch ridiculously potent.

When she gave him a squeeze, he hissed. “Fuck.”

She mapped him again with teasing fingers. “I want to give you what you gave me.”

“Keep doing that and it won’t take long.”

She moved her hand away and walked her fingers over his abdomen, exploring, dragging her nails through the trail of dark hair there. She paused at the waistband of his jeans. “No, I want you to show me how to do it with my mouth.”

He groaned. More perfect words had never been uttered. He wanted to frame those words and gaze upon them daily. “You don’t have to return the favor. You

don’t owe me anything.”

She adjusted herself, lifting a knee and straddling his thigh. She was naked beneath the robe and he got a flash of pert breasts and the trimmed dark hair between her thighs as she settled over him. Desire crashed through him.

“I want to know how a man tastes.” She leaned down and traced the tip of her tongue around his naval before lifting her head again. “I want to know how you taste specifically, Donovan West.”

Fucking hell. His head was going to explode. His cock would follow. This woman had no idea how effortlessly erotic she was. He reached out and palmed the back of her head, giving it a squeeze, trying to quell the roar of desire. “Want some chocolate lube on standby?”

Her smile was unhurried, dark amusement there. “I don’t like things sugarcoated. I like them real.”

Real. That’s what she demanded of him. And so far, he found he didn’t mind giving her just that. He reached down and unhooked the button on his jeans. When he tugged down the zipper and freed his cock, the change over Marin’s expression was enough to fucking undo him right there. She looked . . . fascinated. And hungry for him.

His instincts rumbled to the surface. “Guess it’s time you learn how to suck my cock, then.”

* * *

Marin’s breath left her at the sight of Donovan’s thick erection in his hand, and her body clenched hard. She’d seen enough penises in her day in books and videos and wherever. But nothing had prepared her for the raw sensuality of seeing this man stiff and ready for her. The tip was flushed and glossy with arousal, and when he ran his thumb over the slit, rubbing the fluid along the head, she almost died. Part of her wished she could just watch him stroke himself, see how he took his pleasure. Did he make noise? Did he slick himself up with lube, making everything shiny and smooth. Did he play with his balls or tease himself?

Goddamn. She was never ever going to be short on masturbation material again. This sight alone could get her off.

She licked her lips as Donovan adjusted her so he could kick his jeans and underwear off. When she was straddling his thigh again, she indulged in the view. The dark thatch of trimmed hair at the base, the heavy sac that looked impossibly masculine, and that proud aroused cock. She wanted to touch and explore, to run her fingers everywhere and follow the path with her tongue.

“Keep looking at me like that and I may come just from that,” Donovan said, voice gritty.

She couldn’t resist the temptation any longer. She let her fingers encircle his erection, surprised at the silky, taut skin. She wasn’t sure what she’d expected but she hadn’t expected velvet-encased steel. Her mouth went dry just thinking about what that would feel like inside her. “Show me what you like. Show me how to make you come.”

Donovan groaned and gripped the base of his cock, squeezing harder than she would’ve thought comfortable. His hand tightened in her hair. “Your mouth on me is about all it’s going to take, Rush. I’m already on edge after watching you come earlier and seeing you here now. Hell, I’ve been on fucking edge since you walked onto the X-wing. Just be careful of teeth and don’t try to be too gentle. Anything else, you can explore how you want. I’ll tell you when I’m close if you want to pull off.”

She positioned herself over him, inhaling the musk of his skin, and looked up. “Why would I want to pull off?”

He closed his eyes as if the question had caused him both pleasure and pain. “Some women don’t want to—”

But she didn’t wait for an answer. It’d been rhetorical. And she was too turned on, too curious to wait. She slid her lips over the head of his cock and let her tongue sweep around it. She didn’t know what she was doing exactly, but her nerves had fallen away the minute he’d opened his jeans. If going down on him felt even a tenth of what she’d felt when he went down on her, she figured she couldn’t mess it up too much.

He let out a grinding sound and his hand flexed against her skull, as if it was taking everything he had not to shove her down on his cock and use her how he wanted. Part of her wished he would, but jumping in that deep would sacrifice the chance to savor.

As her mouth closed fully over the head, his taste hit her tongue, and her thighs squeezed together at the rush of desire it sparked. She’d expected salt, the taste of sweat and skin and humanness. And there was that, but God, it was so much more that that. Earthy, musky, and very, very male. She wouldn’t have known that was a flavor, but there was no other way to describe it. Donovan tasted like sex and desire and temptation all wrapped around satiny strength. Whoever invented chocolate lube was a fucking idiot.