Her head dropped back to the island with a groan. She could die. That’d be fine.

He pushed the neck of the bottle back into her, a little deeper, and this time she welcomed the invasion. Her body needed that pressure and he knew just how far to go—not too deep but enough to make her hyperaware of every sensation down there. Then he put his mouth back on her, licking, sucking, tasting while he fucked her with the bottle. In and out, in and out. Everything went white in her vision, and her head listed from side to side against the counter. It all felt like too much all of a sudden, too overwhelming. “Oh, God. Oh, God . . . I can’t take . . .”

There was no going back. A release like she’d never had in her life busted through the gates, trampling any shred of sanity she had left. Her back arched, her body seized, and all the colors of the rainbow cascaded behind her eyelids in a blinding waterfall. She screamed, an all-out, losing-her-goddamned-mind shriek and then she was rocking and floating and giving in to it all.

She didn’t know how long her orgasm went on or what was happening around her. All she knew was that Donovan was there anchoring her, giving her pleasure, bringing her to this place she’d never been. And when she felt like she couldn’t handle any more and started tapping the counter with her hand, he eased the bottle away and held her in place on the island while she panted her way back down to earth.

She knew she should do something, say something—move. But before she got enough strength to open her eyes, she was being lifted. Strong arms adjusted beneath her, and she rested her head against a spot that seemed natural. She felt Donovan’s stubble, smelled the faint scent of his skin. She inhaled deeply and nuzzled against his neck, mumbling nonsense.

Donovan chuckled softly. “Let’s get you in the bath. Then you can attempt speech again.”

She lifted her hand with a thumbs-up.

He kissed the top of her head. “Dork.”

“Pot and kettle,” she murmured.

“Yeah, that’s us.”

Us. She shouldn’t like the sound of that so much.


Marin looked ridiculously sexy in his plaid bathrobe when she stepped into his bedroom. He’d bathed her and washed her hair in the tub, giving her time to settle after her orgasm, to process things. But she’d asked for a few minutes to herself at the end. He’d given it to her but worried that she’d needed it because he’d overwhelmed her.

He hadn’t planned on letting things go where they had. He’d only wanted to taste her, to give her the pleasure of oral sex. But when he’d gotten her spread and naked across his kitchen island, his baser instincts had kicked in. He’d wanted to not just please her, but to drive her out of her mind, to sully her, to take all that innocence and dirty it up.

He wasn’t sure he’d ever seen a more erotic sight than Marin, legs spread, pussy bared, and body dripping with expensive wine and her own arousal. Fuck, every time he saw the picture in his head, he’d had to fight not to stroke himself. He may never be able to drink merlot again without thinking about how it tasted mingling with Marin’s flavor. But tonight wasn’t about him. He would be patient, give her time to wrap her head around all this, figure out if he’d gone too far too quickly.

Marin rolled up the too long sleeves of his robe and gave him a tentative smile. “So, hey.”

With her makeup washed off and her hair damp, he was reminded of just how young she was. Her fierce smarts and all she’d been through made her seem closer to his age, but right now, post orgasm and unsure of herself, their eight-year difference was obvious. Once again, he worried if he was taking advantage. They hadn’t talked much during the bath. She’d been quiet, still coming down from all that had happened, but now was going to be the moment of truth. He’d find out if he’d blown it, if he’d scared her. “Hey.”

Her gaze skated over him. “You’re still dressed.”

Something unlocked in his chest at her easy tone. “I like that you sound disappointed.”

She gave him a small smile. “I feel like I’m at a disadvantage. You’ve seen, uh . . . everything there is to see of me.”

He patted the bed. “Afraid I’m going to renege on our deal?”

She padded over, her feet quiet on the hardwood, and sat on the bed. “I guess I’m just feeling a little unsure of where to go from here. I didn’t . . . well, I didn’t expect what happened to happen.”

He reached out to grab her hand. “Come ’ere.”

She let him tug her closer, and he wrapped his arm around her, letting her settle against his chest. He could feel her quick heartbeat against him. She was far more nervous than she was showing on her face. It was easy to forget that she’d never done this, that it was all new to her. Being with anyone this way. Sharing a bed. Touching. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “I told you I’m all yours. But there’s no pressure here. We can just sit like this, relax. Talk. Whatever. I know that things went a little far out there. I seem to have trouble taking things slow and easy with you. So I’m sorry if I pushed you past where you wanted to go.”

Her fingers traced over his T-shirt almost absently. “You said that the first time, too. I remember you felt bad that you’d been rough.”

“Of course I felt bad. You were a virgin. I was afraid I’d hurt you.”

“Mmm,” she said noncommittally.

She didn’t say anything else for a few minutes. The whole thing should’ve felt

weird. He didn’t invite women into his bedroom. Any trysts he had happened at the woman’s place or a hotel. And tonight he’d planned for things to happen in other parts of the house if they happened. He liked his private space private. He didn’t want others in a room where he kept the stack of books his mother had bought him before she’d died. Or for someone to notice the ridiculous dead bolt on his door. Or for anyone to ask him about the photo of San Francisco Bay that filled up most of one wall. This room hid his secrets, the things he didn’t know how to fix. But somehow he didn’t feel anxious having Marin in there with him. Even though she was a virtual stranger to him, she knew more than most of the people in his life already.

He traced his fingers up and down her arm. “You okay?”