That’s when Marin knew. These two had something between them. She didn’t know exactly what, but she suddenly felt ridiculous for sitting there and entertaining lustful thoughts about Donovan. He’d said he was attracted to her, that he was tempted to teach her some things, not that he was available. Of course he had someone. That’s why he was fighting to hold himself back with her. She’d seen him with lipstick marks. The moment that had passed between them was just old stuff kicking up and too much alcohol, nothing more.

Marin shifted on her feet. “Well, I better get going. It’s been a long day, and I have some things to catch up on before bed.”

“Oh, don’t leave on my account,” Elle said with a flat tone.

“Marin—” Donovan stood as well.

She held up her hand in a quick wave. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Dr. West. Thanks for the pointers and the drink.”

He frowned, consternation in his eyes, but he didn’t stop her from going. She turned too fast, making her head spin from the alcohol, but she kept her back straight and strode off, trying to look casual and unaffected. She hoped she pulled it off. But she couldn’t resist one last look. So when she got far enough away to peek back over her shoulder without being too obvious, she saw that Dr. McCray had taken Marin’s spot on the bench next to Donovan and was sitting way too close.

Something ugly rolled through Marin. Ugly and vicious and acidic.

But this was what she should want, right? There was no risk now. She could focus on the job at hand and not worry about Donovan or getting in trouble with her boss or screwing this all up over a misguided libido.

Great. Perfect. Shoot a fucking confetti gun!

She stepped into her house, the world swaying a bit in her vision, and slammed the door behind her.

Nathan looked up from his spot on the couch, computer on his lap, bottle of soda halfway to his mouth. “Whoa, what’s wrong with you?”

She tossed her house key toward the entryway table but missed. “Nothing. I’m going to my room. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Had her words slurred? Maybe. She couldn’t tell.

He frowned. “Are you . . . drunk?”

“No. I’ve got work to do.” She grabbed the key from the floor, which took more concentration than it should’ve. “Which reminds me, if I needed to find the best porn sites, which would you suggest?”

Nate, who’d been staring at her with suspicious eyes, went slack-jawed. “What?”

She waved her hand in an out-with-it motion. “Come on. Best porn sites. Go.”

“Oh my God, you are drunk.”

“Are you going to tell me or what?”

Nate shifted on the couch and gave her a look like he would like to request an immediate transfer to another family. “Uh, not that I’m admitting to anything, but we aren’t exactly in the same target audience, Mar.”

“Doesn’t matter. It’s for work. And let’s not pretend you’re that innocent.”

He cringed and leaned his head back against the couch, beseeching the universe. “What is my life?”

“Nate,” she said impatiently.

He groaned and rocked forward to grab his phone from the coffee table. He set aside his computer and soda, and started typing on his phone. “I swear to God, I better not get bitched at for this when you sober up.”

“What are you doing?”

“I’m texting you my sign-in information for a site. The good ones require a subscription. This one has . . . a variety of stuff.”

“You have a subscription to a porn site?”

He gave her the side-eye. “Shut it, Mar. You asked for help. That gives me immunity. And please, God, do not save favorites or anything once you’re in there. A guy can only handle so much trauma.”

Marin’s phone buzzed in her pocket with his text message. She titled her chin upward. “Fine. We’ll both be adults about it.”

“At least one of us will,” he muttered and then looked her way again. “You sure you’re all right?”