Shaw groaned, let loose a few expletives, and then crawled up her body, kissing his way back up like a starved man gorging on a buffet. When he made it back face-to-face, he took her by the hips and rolled her atop him.

She braced her hands on his chest, now damp with sweat, and her lips curved. “I get control tonight, huh?”

He dragged a ravenous gaze over her body. “You can have whatever you want, baby. I just want to watch you. I want to see your face when you come like that again.”

Heat rolled through her and she shivered. Even though she’d just had an orgasm, her body ached for more of him, all of him. She lifted herself up and took his cock in her hand, rubbing her palm along the length of him and smoothing the drop of fluid at the tip with her thumb. The smooth velvet feel of his skin made her shiver with anticipation. He would be inside her just like this. Skin to skin. He was watching her with rapt attention as she brought her thumb to her mouth and licked the taste of him from it.

Shaw groaned, and his grip on her hips tightened. “You’re going to kill me, professor. And I’m going to die a happy man.”

“No dying. I’ve got plans for you, Miller. Lots of dirty, dirty plans.”

He slid his hands along her thighs. “I’m here for you, gorgeous. I’m here.”

Yes, he was. And so was she. In this moment. And for many, many more.

She positioned the head of his cock at her entrance, teasing him a little and loving the look of erotic pain on his face, and then she lowered herself, welcoming him inside her body and taking her sweet time doing it. He was going to regret making her do all that exercise. She could hold herself in this torturous inch-by-inch descent for as long as she wanted, but eventually, her own needs gave way and she let herself go. The slick glide of him filling her completely made her teeth bite into her lip and her breath rattle out of her. She closed her eyes as he groaned along with her, letting herself enjoy all the sensations, feeling every bit of him inside her.

When she lifted her lids, he was giving her a look that said he was about to ruin her in the best way possible. “Remember that first night when I said I might not last long?”

She smirked and let her fingers trail down his abdomen before running her fingertip along the spot where they joined. “Yeah.”

His cock twitched inside her, getting even harder. “You feel so good, I think I’m going to make this one last all night.”

He dragged her down to him for a kiss and rocked into her deep, cupping her ass and moving her just how he wanted her, angling himself in a way that made her want to thank God she was a woman.

He’d said she had the control, but that was a lie. Because in that moment, with his body pumping into hers and his arms wrapped around her, she was lost to him. Her soul and her heart. She’d spent her whole life fighting. She would still fight.

But when it came to love, she’d learned that she didn’t need to fight for it.

She needed to surrender.


Three months later

Taryn tried not to bite her nails as the screen was set up in front of the auditorium. A small crowd of people, many of whom had attended the charity event at Gym Xtreme, sat in the audience, along with other supporters of the cause. She’d also caught sight of the vice president of the school board, the one who’d been apologetic the night of her initial presentation. She’d smiled and nodded Taryn’s way when she’d come in but hadn’t approached her. Taryn didn’t want to get her hopes up that the school board members might be changing their minds, but it was nice to see someone still willing to listen.

Kincaid stepped up beside Taryn and gave her arm a pat. “This is a great turnout, lady. Way more than showed up for that school board meeting.”

“I know, right?” Taryn smiled. “See, I can’t take credit, though. I have this friend who’s really good at spreading the word on social media and around town. She’ll talk to anyone. I should introduce you to her. Oh wait, it’s you.”

Kincaid curtsied. “Who said a big mouth doesn’t pay off?”

“Thank you for all your help. Also, I have to say, the appetizers are top-notch. Those mini biscuits were to die for. You should put them on your blog.” Kincaid’s side project was a blog where she re-created restaurant recipes for the home cook, and she was always coming up with delicious home-style food.

“Thanks. I tweaked a family recipe and added cheese, because cheese makes everything better. But I had help, too. I menu planned and provided recipes, but Wes executed it all. He’s the real chef with the skills to cook for a crowd. My limit is dinner for eight. If I’d cooked for this many people, I would have flour in my hair, half the food would be burned, and I’d be on my second bottle of wine by now.”

Taryn leaned into her friend to bump shoulders with her. “You’re the best. I’ll never be able to repay you for all this. Your real estate job keeps you busy enough. You didn’t have to give me so much of your time on this. Neither did Liv and Rebecca.”

“As if we’d do anything else,” Kincaid said with an eye roll. “This is an amazing thing you’re doing. We all want this to succeed. The world needs Dr. Taryn Landry’s program in their schools.” She eyed the stage. “I just hope I look cute in the video. I got all”—she waved a hand in front of her face—“tragic. My waterproof mascara barely held up.”

“Aww, I’m sure it’s fine. Liv made sure we all had great lighting when we filmed. Plus, when do you not look cute?”

Kincaid nodded with mock seriousness. “Valid point. Though with two pregnant ladies around me, I’m falling down the cuteness chain of command fast. I cannot compete with pregnancy glow. Maybe I should carry around a puppy or something.”

Taryn laughed, automatically touching th

e little belly pooch that was rounding more and more every day. “You’ll be back on top when we get to the grumpy, waddling walrus phase.”