She didn’t care.

There was a fire. She was on fire.

But she wasn’t going to let anyone come in and put it out. Burn, baby, burn.

Shaw collapsed on top of her, bracing his weight with one arm, but his face buried in her hair. His heart beat hard against her back, and she pressed her cheek to the sheets. Her glasses had fallen off at some point, so everything was a little blurry, but she had a feeling that even if she had her glasses on, her vision would be cloudy.

Shaw let out a long, satisfied breath. “I win.”

She laughed beneath him. “Oh, no. I think I really, really won. Someone needs to bring in a trophy.”

He made a happy grunting sound, his chest still rising and falling with panted breaths. “Let’s call it a tie. We’ll definitely need a rematch.”

“Definitely.” She felt as though she were spreading out and melting into the bed, her muscles made of warm honey. “But maybe not tonight. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to move again.”

He laughed. “Ditto. Hope you like me because I think we’re stuck like this in this bed forever now. We’ll have to have food delivered.”


A loud knock sounded from the living room, startling them both.

“Uh-oh,” Taryn said, trying not to laugh. “May have bothered the roommate after all.”

Another pounding knock.

“Shit,” Shaw said, pulling out and rolling away from her as if she’d burned him. “Give me a second,” he called out, but she couldn’t imagine anyone outside could hear him from all the way in here. “Get some clothes on, baby.”

Taryn forced her limbs into action and flipped over lazily. Shaw disposed of the condom, his movements a little frantic as he searched for his sweatpants. She indulged in the view as he bent over and grabbed them. “I don’t even know where my clothes are. It’s probably just Rivers. Can’t he wait?”

“No, he—”

Taryn heard the click.

“Has a key,” Shaw finished.

Her eyes went wide, and she yanked the covers up to her neck. “Crap.”

“One second!” he called out. “Don’t come in here.”

Shaw was just yanking up his sweatpants when Rivers poked his head in the bedroom. “Dude, what is—”

“Out!” Shaw demanded.

Rivers stared at Taryn like he’d never seen a woman in his life, his lips parting. “Oh shit. I… Hi.”

Taryn cringed, her cheeks burning. He’d come over because she’d screamed so loud. Now he knew exactly what the noise had been. She barely resisted pulling the blanket over her head. “Um, hello.”

Shaw hurried over and herded Rivers out the door. “Get the hell out of here, man. Privacy. Damn.”

Poor Shaw looked so ha

rassed and Rivers so shocked that Taryn couldn’t help it. A laugh bubbled up as they exited the room. It was all so ridiculous. Was this what college sex would’ve been like? Nosy roommates showing up when they weren’t supposed to. She had no idea. She’d barely had any sex in college.

Shaw had shut the door, but she could hear the boys talking in low, tense tones out in the living room. She should probably get dressed or be more concerned, but she couldn’t find the energy to worry right now. So she just lay back in bed, too blissed out on sex to give a damn about much of anything.

She grinned up at the ceiling. Guess Shaw had finally gotten revenge on his loud roommate.
