She laughed and tossed the packet his way. Then they were naked again, laughing this time, playfully tussling and getting each other hotter without being in a rush. Because there was no rush. The whole morning was theirs.

She could be his. He could be hers.

For these few hours, there was no outside world.

For once, she wasn’t going to overanalyze it.

* * *

“Are you singing to yourself?” Kincaid asked as she followed Taryn into Gym Xtreme Sunday morning.

“Hmm?” Taryn asked distractedly as she held open the door for Kincaid, Liv, and Rebecca. The scent of barbecue followed them in.

They’d decided to forgo their usual leisurely Sunday brunch so they could work on the fund-raiser. Bec had picked up a bag of breakfast barbecue tacos on the way instead.

“Singing,” Kincaid repeated. “You were singing.”

“Was I?” Taryn shrugged. “Guess I’m in a good mood. Friends and tacos. That inspires song.”

As does spending a really hot, sexy weekend in a certain man’s bed. She’d barely seen the sun since Friday night. She and Shaw had taken turns not wanting to end the date. First, it was Let’s get some breakfast after they’d slept together Saturday morning. Then, It’s such a nice day, maybe we should take a walk in Zilker Park. Then Maybe we should stop by the store and pick up something to cook. Then they’d ended up back at his place for lunch and dessert.

He’d had a few clients to train on Saturday afternoon, so Taryn had told him she’d head home when he went into work. Instead, he suggested she go home and pack a bag, and then come back so they could go out to dinner and she could stay over again. She knew it was too much. They were overdosing on each other, both starved after being solo for so long, but even knowing that, she’d found herself packing a bag and humming a tune.

She hadn’t stopped singing since. She could still feel Shaw coming up behind her at the sink this morning while she brushed her teeth. He’d planted a kiss on her shoulder and then lifted his head. She’d caught his gaze in the mirror. She’d never had a guy look at her like that. Like he couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have permission to touch her. The feeling was heady. Addictive.

In one weekend, she’d become a goddamned junkie for him.

Kincaid put a hand to her hip, skeptical look on full throttle. “Friends and tacos.”

Taryn smiled brightly. “Yep.”

“So this has nothing to do with being at the gym where the hot trainer who I caught you kissing works?” she asked.

Liv’s head whipped around, her dark ponytail swinging like a weapon. “Kissing?”

“The hot trainer?” Rebecca said at the same time. “The guy who helped you at the race?”

“That’s the one,” Kincaid said with a knowing nod. “Full-on lip-lock at a bar.”

“Oh my God,” Taryn said, glancing around the lobby of the gym as a few members walked by. “Could we not do this right now?”

She’d told Kincaid after that night in the bar that nothing had happened with Shaw. Because it hadn’t. Except that she’d found out he was Shaw Miller. She’d shut the conversation down cold so Kincaid would leave the topic alone, but Taryn should’ve known that wasn’t the end of it. A scandalous kiss for Kincaid was like waving shiny ribbons in front of a cat.

Kincaid lifted her palms. “Fine. Fine.”

On cue, Shaw stepped through the doorway that led to the main part of the gym. His face lit with a smile when he saw her, his hidden dimple appearing. “Taryn.”

She bit her lip. He was in black workout pants and one of those sweat-wicking T-shirts that clung to everything. She got a secret thrill knowing what he looked like beneath all those clothes. She’d licked that body this morning. “Hey there.”

The words came out like she should’ve tilted her head and twirled her hair along with them. Lord. Get it together, girl.

Liv looked back and forth between the two of them, eyebrows climbing upward. Kincaid made a barely there scoff just loud enough for Taryn to hear.

Taryn cleared her throat, trying to regain some semblance of professional composure. “Lucas, I’m not sure if you’ve officially met Liv and Rebecca. These ladies will be helping, too.”

Shaw stepped forward, introducing himself as Lucas, his gaze a little wary. Taryn had warned him that her three friends were also Long Acre survivors. He hadn’t been happy to discover that fact. He stepped back, his expression schooled into an unreadable mask. “We’ve got a table set up in the corner for y’all to work at and have your breakfast. If you have any questions about the equipment, both Rivers and I will be around. I think if you’re going to have high school students compete, you may want to focus on the main obstacle course with the biggest foam pit. That one is the most fun and interesting for spectators to watch. Plus, there are a lot of modifications we can do to make it beginner friendly without looking too easy.”

“And it doesn’t involve that horrible Wall of Death,” Taryn pointed out.