He cupped her through her bra, drawing a thumb over the sensitive bud, and she let her forehead fall to his shoulder as sensation raced over her skin. “I’m not that sweet.”

He laughed as his hand slid beneath her bra strap and lowered it down her shoulder. “Good. I like that about you.” He reached around and unhooked her bra, the cool air kissing her skin. “I like a whole lot of things about you, professor.”

The words wound through her as he walked her deeper into the living room and guided her onto the couch. The leather was cool against her body, her internal furnace dialed to max. He lowered to his knees on the floor beside her. His head dipped down, his tongue tracing over her sensitive nipple, making it tight and achy. The move was simple, but the sensations were so decadent that it was like unlocking a door she hadn’t known she’d sealed. Her neck arched, and she let out an embarrassing shriek.

She closed her eyes, suddenly self-conscious of the noise. All that shrieking and yelling was only supposed to happen in movie sex, not real life. And all he’d done was put his mouth on her. “Sorry. It’s been a while. I’m…wound up.”

“Shh. Don’t you dare apologize, baby.” He kissed her breast with featherlight touches, his hand following the tracks. “You have no idea what hearing you does to me.”

Baby. The endearment made her warm inside because she could tell it’d just slipped out. He wasn’t being so careful with his words anymore. Her eyes stayed closed as he traced a hand up her ribs and palmed her other breast. “Tell me what it does to you.”

She wanted to hear. She needed to know.

He shifted and took her wrist in his hand. He guided her palm down and pressed it against him, letting her feel the steely length of his cock behind the fly of his jeans. “It makes me crazy for you. It makes me want to hear you lose it completely. It makes me so fucking hard.”

The word hard had never sounded quite so illicit, and it sent a rush of liquid heat straight downward. She let her hand map his erection, stroking him just enough to make him grunt. He eased her hand away. “Easy, professor. You said it’s been a while for you. Last time I was doing this, dinosaurs roamed the earth.”

She snorted and opened her eyes. He was smiling down at her, a flush high on his cheeks. She traced her hands up his chest, taking his shirt with her. He helped her pull the shirt over his head and then tossed it toward the coffee table, giving her an eyeful of that body she’d been drooling over since the day she’d met him. Her tongue ran over her teeth as she let her fingers explore his bare skin. “I’ll go easy on you.”

“Don’t. We have all night.” He dragged his fingertips down her sternum, making her shiver. “The first time will be like the bread we had on the table tonight.” He leaned down to kiss her. “Delicious but just the appetizer.”

He shifted down her body and removed her boots and socks. Then his hands were gliding up her thighs, his thumbs brushing precariously close to where she ached the most. She arched her hips and moaned, no longer worried about the sounds she made. He unfastened her jeans.

He peeled them off as though he were opening a present he wanted to savor. After he tossed them aside, she was left naked except for her simple black panties. Kneeling between her legs, he stared at her with a look of delicious intent. He traced the edge of her panties, making goose bumps race over her skin. Self-consciousness tried to edge in again. Normally, she felt pretty comfortable with her body, but this Olympic athlete thing was messing with her head.

Her body wasn’t perfectly honed like his or the women he’d see walking through his gym. She had curves and swells. She was soft in places meant to be hard. But when she looked up at Shaw’s face and saw the rapture there, all the ugly, useless thoughts scattered like scared mice. He hadn’t been lying to her out on the street.

“You are so goddamned sexy, it’s making me hurt,” he said, an actual look of pain on his face. His hand tracked over her and slipped inside her panties, finding the wet, tender place that was pulsing with her heartbeat. She gasped. He groaned. “Fuck, baby. I apologize in advance. I’m going to break land-speed records when I get inside you.”

She laughed, a hot tremor moving through her. “We’ve got all night, remember?”

Dark satisfaction crossed his face. “Yes. Yes, we do.”

He yanked down her panties as if they were now offending him, and he shifted further down the couch. He pressed his hands to the back of her thighs, opening her like a book, leaving her as exposed as one could be. Before she could process what was about to happen, he leaned down and kissed the very center of her with his hot, wet tongue. Her eyes tried to roll right out of her head. She gripped his hair, afraid she might just levitate off the couch, and he grazed her clit. Electricity shot up her spine and fanned out to all her best parts, tightening everything in its wake. She let out a choked sound. “Oh God.”

He made a satisfied noise, the vibration of it moving along her skin like a mini-earthquake as he continued to taste her, sucking and licking and kissing, his tongue far more skilled than that of any lover she’d had before. Her feet flexed, her muscles tensing involuntarily as the pure, sharp pleasure moved through her. She cried out—too loud for an apartment.

But that revved up Shaw more. “Yes, baby, let me hear you. Let me hear you come for me.”

“Too loud,” she gasped. “Neighbors.”

“Don’t care,” he said, easing a thick, callused finger inside her and making dots of light appear behind her eyelids. “I don’t care if Rivers hears you upstairs. I don’t care about anything right now besides making you feel good.”

He put his mouth back on her, sensation enveloping her, drowning her. His name came out as a prayer. “Shaw.”

He eased another finger inside, slowly and skillfully stroking her until he found the place she craved. Her mind went blank. Thoughts gone. Her fingers curled into his hair, gripping so tightly that she was afraid she’d leave him with a bald spot. But she couldn’t stop. She had to hold on to something because it felt like she was about to break apart into a million pieces, just shatter into dust on his couch.

Then the rush rolled through her like a thunderclap, sharp and breath-stealing and nothing like the orgasms she gave herself. There was nothing quick and to the point about this. She screamed, literally screamed, and couldn’t find it in her to give a damn that she was being too loud or too much or too whatever. A sound rumbled through Shaw, and his grip on her thighs tightened, letting her know he was getting off on it, her abandon, and that just set her off more.

When she collapsed back into the couch pillows, gasping and sweating, her mind in a blender, he finally eased away and lifted his head. He looked like a devil, his now-messy hair hanging in his face and curling at the ends, his eyes burning with sordid intentions, and his lips slick and swollen. He braced himself over her body and looked down at her as if he were going to devour her bite by scrumptious bite.

She reached up and grabbed him around the neck, pulling him down to kiss her. He tensed in surprise at first and then sank into the kiss, climbing fully over her and pressing his still-clothed bottom half to her nakedness. She dragged her fingers up the nape of his neck and into his hair, gripping the locks and holding on.

“Need you,” he said between kisses. “Now.”

“Yes.” She kissed him back, writhing beneath him, urgency pulsing through her.

“Shit,” he groaned and pulled back. “Protection. I didn’t—”