He looked down at the floor and ran a hand over the back of his head, his hair falling forward. “Taryn…”

“To be straight up with you,” she continued, the alcohol making her even more frank than normal, “I have enough drama going on in my life. I don’t need to create more of it. We made out. You weren’t a fan. Let’s move on.”

His attention flicked up. “Not a fan?”

She crossed her arms and shrugged. “I call it like I see it, and it’s fine. My ego isn’t that fragile.”

“Not a fan,” he muttered, looking away. “Right. That’s why I can’t stop thinking about you.”

The words were low and almost to himself, but she heard him well enough. “Wait, what?”

He looked at her and squeezed the back of his neck as if he were trying to choke back his words. “It’s not… Never mind. I’ve had too much to drink. I need to get home.”

She lifted a hand and put it to his chest when he tried to move past her. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up. You can’t say that to a woman and then bolt. No way.” She looked to his face, trying to catch his eye. “You can’t stop thinking about me? What is that, Lucas? What the hell am I supposed to do with that?”

“Nothing,” he insisted, not looking at her. “Ignore me. I shouldn’t have said that. I’ve been drinking.”

I shouldn’t have said that. Not I didn’t meant it. And his excuse rang false, her truth meter buzzing. He wasn’t drunk. That much she could tell. I can’t stop thinking about you. The words and the pained way he’d said them wrapped around her and infiltrated her mind like a spell, eating through her good sense. Without evaluating the cost-benefit analysis of her next move, she pushed up on her toes and kissed him full on the mouth, shocking herself as much as him. Lucas stiffened, his shoulders like bricks beneath her palms, and he gripped

her upper arms. She braced for him to push her away. Out of line didn’t even begin to describe her actions.

But instead of moving her back, after a second, he groaned and dragged her closer, her breasts pressing into his chest and his lips opening to hers. Everything inside her went off like a string of firecrackers as his tongue grazed hers and his hands tightened on her arms like he was afraid she would escape or disappear into thin air.

She melted into the kiss, and her muscles went liquid as he took over. He turned them, pressing her against a wall covered with concert flyers and moving a hand to the back of her neck as he deepened the kiss, his mouth and lips seeking more, taking more. Never before had she been kissed with such urgency. Her fingers curled into his T-shirt, and the warmth from the alcohol was replaced with hot liquid need. She moaned and lost track of where they were for a few moments, falling into the sensation of it all. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas. She wanted to wrap her legs around him, have him carry her off somewhere, anywhere they could be horizontal instead of vertical.

But a loud thwack cut through the erotic haze a few seconds later. Lucas straightened, instantly yanking his head away from the kiss, and cursed. “What the hell?” Another thwack. “Ow.”

Taryn’s eyes popped open just in time to see Kincaid swing her heavy handbag at Lucas’s shoulder again. “Get your hands off her right now, or I swear to God I will Mace your ass!”

“Kincaid!” Taryn said in shock.

Kincaid gave her a look like Don’t worry, I’ve got this, honey and continued to hit him.

Lucas lifted his hands as if the cops had found him and turned around, a scowl on his face. “What is happening?”

Kincaid’s eyes went round when she saw Lucas’s face and obviously registered whom she was hitting. Her arm fell to her side. “Oh shit. Lucas?”

“Yes.” Lucas rubbed his shoulder. “Good Lord, woman, what do you have in there? Bricks?”

Kincaid looked back and forth between the two of them, her righteous expression turning sheepish. “I’m sorry. I had no idea it was you. I thought you were some rando who accosted drunk women in bar hallways.”

Taryn closed her eyes for a moment, trying to right her spinning brain and focus on her friend. She opened her eyes and gave Kincaid a tight smile. “Nope. Just Lucas. But I appreciate you trying to defend my honor.”

Kincaid looked back and forth between the two of them again and broke into a bright grin. “Always. So…this is a thing you two do now? Was this like a secret meet-up or something?”

“No,” Taryn said, her face getting hot. “It’s… We just ran into each other.”

“Right. Lips first. I see how that could happen.” Kincaid nodded seriously. “Well, sorry for the misunderstanding.” She leaned forward and patted Lucas lightly on the shoulder where she’d beaten him. “Sorry about that, big guy. I would’ve felt really bad if I’d Maced you.”

Lucas simply stared at her as if she were some exotic creature he didn’t understand.

“Taryn, honey, I’m gonna head home if you’re okay to drive,” Kincaid continued. “I was coming to find you because I got a call that I need to be in to work really early tomorrow, and I have to get back home.”

Taryn narrowed her eyes. “Really. You just got a work call this late.”

“Yep. Duty calls.” Kincaid gave a dramatic sigh. “So good night to you both.” She stepped over and gave Taryn a quick hug. “You can get back to what you were doing. Have lots of fun. Use protection.”

Taryn groaned. “Kincaid.”