But that edge was apparently just what she needed because colored dots of light appeared behind her eyes, and an orgasm she didn’t think she had in her exploded through her. She cried out, the sound echoing off the tile walls and tightening her throat.

Wes made the sexiest grinding grunts—as if he was mad at her for making him feel so good—and thrust into her fast and deep. Then he went dead still, buried to the hilt, his muscles tensing against her. He made a pained sound and called her Bec and then was moving again, riding out the rest of his pleasure and stretching out hers.

When they finally slowed, sated and spent, he planted his hands next to hers, caging her in. They breathed hard together as they came down from the high, hot water tracking over them like some weird baptism into a new phase in their arrangement.

Wes finally pressed a kiss to her shoulder, eased out of her, and let out a satisfied sigh. “That was worth the wait.”

She smiled and turned around to face him. “You’ve only known me for a couple of weeks.”

He touched his forehead to hers, his eyelashes sparkling with water droplets. “No. The whole wait.”

“Oh.” The years. Something sharp-edged and sweet bloomed inside her chest. “For me, too.”

She knew he’d assume she meant the year, but that wasn’t the whole truth. Yes, it’d been a year since she’d had sex.

But it’d been her whole life since she’d had anything that felt like that.

She could almost hear Kincaid whispering in her ear, Enjoy it while you can, cupcake.



“I’m going to have to get a bigger swear jar. When the kids see the bus, they’re going to lose their shit,” Wes said gleefully.

“You better add a dollar right now, chef,” Rebecca teased, keeping her voice low against the phone and letting her hair curtain her face from the open door of her office. “And I can’t wait to see their faces. Hopefully, they won’t be offended that it’s not totally clean.”

He laughed. “We did the best we could.”

“We did no such thing. We got it half scrubbed and then spent the afternoon in bed.”

“Well, not technically in bed.”

Her skin flushed at the memory. She’d left Wes’s condo late last night on a sated high. After the shower, he’d cooked her a ridiculously delicious pasta dish with random ingredients from his pantry and then they’d attempted to watch a movie on his couch. That’d been a wash. They hadn’t been able to keep their hands off each other and had ended up naked on the floor of the living room, even though the bedroom had only been a few steps away. “You know what I mean. We should’ve been cleaning poor Adele.”

“We were up against terrible odds. No reasonable person would’ve expected us to resist each other. But if it makes you feel better, I got up early this morning and finished the job. Adele is all ready for her debut,” Wes declared.

Rebecca’s lips curved, her chest filling with fizzy warmth for a different reason. Wes liked to play it cool, but she could tell how much he cared about those kids by all these little things he did. She could picture him at the crack of dawn, scrubbing down that old bus. “Did you wear a shirt?”

He chuckled. “Of course. Didn’t want to be randomly attacked by a neighbor.”

“Right. Safety first.”

“So will you be able to get here this afternoon to see the big reveal? I know Mondays can be crazy,” Wes said, his chair squeaking in the background, “so if you need me to postpone it, I can keep it a secret. I don’t want to do it without you. You made this whole thing happen.”

“I have two new clients on my schedule and one other meeting. I also planned on picking up my canine hero from your brother this afternoon, but Marco said Knight has a minor infection and wants to keep him a few more days.”

“Knight? He officially has a name now?”

“Yes, I figured with his black fur and his hero status, it was appropriate. I’m still going to stop by to visit him. Marco said he’s allowed to have a few treats now, so I’m bringing him some goodies, but I should be able to get to you around four. I want to be there for the reveal. I’m excited.”

r /> “I’m pumped you’re going to be able to get here today. Keeping this a secret has been tough. Oh, and remember to email me the last of the paperwork. The school needs it on file if you’re going to be working directly with the kids.”

“It’s already on the way,” she said.

“And bring some extra clothes if you want to jump in on the remodeling afterward. I’d bring some of my extras, but if I see you in those again, my mind is going to go to places it shouldn’t with children around.”

She smirked. “Have you no self-control, man?”