Her friend smiled and shooed her. “Go on. Go visit. I’ll keep the good doctor company.”

Marco glanced up at the woman, Kincaid, and smiled this goofy-ass smile. Wes had to swallow back a snort. Was his big brother blushing? God help him. That chick talked like she was made of honey and sweet Southern sunshine, but those were the type who could take you down before you knew what had hit you.

Rebecca, on the other hand, sent Wes an apologetic look as she walked over.

Great. Pity. How fun.

He tried not to notice how good Rebecca looked in her fitted white pants and pale-blue sleeveless top. She still had a few Band-Aids covering some of the damage from the other night, but he hadn’t seen this polished version of her yet. Makeup subtle but covering her freckles, long auburn hair twisted into some kind of knot. All class and sophistication.

No wonder he wasn’t her type. She looked like a woman who threw garden parties in the Austin hills and hired men like him to cater them and bring her wine.

And blue. Of course she was wearing blue.

She didn’t speak until she was close enough for only him to hear her. “So we meet again.”

“Fate has a sense of humor.”

She glanced back at her friend. “So it seems.”

“Come on. Your doggy friend awaits.” He motioned for her to come with him and walked quickly down the hallway, ready to get this over with, but he had to pause at the door to the kennels when he realized she hadn’t kept up with him. He turned to see what the deal was, but he didn’t have to ask. There was a hitch in Rebecca’s gait. She gave him a tight smile. “I’ll catch up. Just lead the way.”

But he didn’t move. “Did you hurt your leg in the attack?”

Her gaze flicked away. “No.”


“Not this attack. An old injury got aggravated.”

“Not this att—”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m fine. Where’s the dog?”

Her tone snapped him back to reality. “Right. This way.”

The cacophony of dog noises increased as they stepped into the kennel area and the residents discovered there were people present. Most of the animals in the front part were pets staying while their owners were out of town. So they were all eager to get out and play or go home. But as Wes led Rebecca to the other side, the noises became quieter, more whimpers than barks. The infirmary area.

Rebecca glanced around, frowning.

The big, black dog that had saved her was in one of the larger kennels in the corner. Wes walked over there and squatted down. “Hey there, big guy.”

Sad eyes looked up at Wes, and the dog let out a little whine. The pup’s leg was bandaged, and he had one of those cones on his head to keep him from aggravating his injury.

Rebecca stepped up behind Wes, her breath whooshing out of her and tickling the back of his arm. “Oh God, he looks so pitiful.”

She crouched down next to him, and the vanilla scent of her shampoo or perfume cut through the dog smells for a moment, making Wes want to lean closer and inhale. He gritted his teeth, mentally berating his body’s natural reaction to this woman.

She reached into the cage and brushed her fingers over the dog’s muzzle. “How you doing, sweetheart?”

The dog’s tail thumped hard against the floor as he wagged it, and he whined.

“I know, baby. Shots in the leg are a bitch. Are they treating you well in here?” she asked. The dog licked her fingers.

“Of course they are,” Wes said. “He’s got the best doctor.” He reached out to scratch behind the pup’s ear. “But don’t tell him I said that, big guy, or I won’t sneak you treats.”

Rebecca sent Wes a half smile. “You have any pets?”

He sat back on his heels. “Nah. I can’t even remember to do laundry. I definitely can’t be trusted with living things.”