He nodded resolutely, eyes sparkling with humor. “Yes. Totally. Should I send a formal invitation through your secretary? Because that sounds pretty official.”


She shook her head, unable to fight a smile. Why did this guy have to be so damn charming? The insane part of her wanted to say yes. But charm was probably what had gotten him in trouble in his marriage. He could talk his way into any woman’s bed.


She’d finally met a guy who made her laugh and got her thinking dirty thoughts, and he was a cheater and a former adversary who would eventually figure out who she was. Once he knew her last name, it’d probably all click into place. Disaster was imminent, which meant there was only one logical answer. And she was a logical person. She met his eyes. “I’m sorry, but I can’t.”

His smile sagged. “Have further conversation?”

“Right. Sorry. It’s just, I’m always busy and you’re…not my type.” She winced inwardly at the choice of words.

His wince wasn’t so inward. “Ouch. Not even the type for further conversation. Okay, fair enough.”

“It’s not… I mean, you’re…” Beautiful. Ridiculously charming. Freaking dangerous.

He lifted his hands in surrender. “No need to explain. Seriously. I asked. You said no. We’re cool. But I’m going to head out and let you get to bed. Do you have a house phone if you need anything tonight?”

She shifted on her feet. “Yeah, I’m covered.”

“All right. Well…take care.”

In that moment, she saw snapshots from the night. Of a man fearlessly running toward her to help and cradling a hurt dog on the way to the vet and blanketing her body in her bathroom to protect her. Of making her laugh when she felt like she was going to lose it.

On impulse, she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him for a quick hug. He may be a jerk in other parts of his life, but tonight he’d been anything but to her. She wanted him to know that what he had done meant something to her. “Thanks again for everything. It was way above and beyond the call of duty.”

He stiffened in surprise, but then he wrapped his arms around her, his warmth and scent surrounding her. “You’re welcome. Glad I could help.”

She held on for longer than was appropriate, the comfort of his embrace like a cozy blanket after the hellish night. But when she finally relented and eased back, Wes didn’t release her fully, his big palm staying pressed to her back. Her hands remained on his waist.

He stared down at her, his gaze searching like she’d confused him, and she had no idea what kind of look she was giving him back.

Then, she felt herself lifting up on her toes, and before her brain caught up, she cupped his stubbled jaw and pressed her lips against his. He made a choked noise, but he didn’t back away. Instead, his fingers curled into the back of her shirt, the grip tight, like he was afraid she’d bolt.

Her logical self was screaming in her ears. What the hell are you doing? Abort! Abort! But she couldn’t stop a horse that was already out of the gate. His lips softened against hers, and he kissed her back gently, an exploration. He tasted of spicy food and maleness and every delicious fantasy she had conjured. The basic, needy parts of her revved with anticipation, readying for more. Maybe she could have this. Just for a minute.

But as her muscles went soft and pliant and his tongue grazed hers, logical thought shoved its way to the front of the line, demanding to be heard. Cheater. Cheater. Cheater.

Shit. She dropped her hands from his face and leapt back, her heart beating too hard and her body feverish.

Wes blinked down at her, desire clearing and confusion replacing it. “I, uh… What was that?”

She winced and wanted to fold in on herself. “Um, a thank-you and goodbye?”

He ran a hand through his hair like he was a little scattered himself. “Goodbye? That…felt like the opposite of a goodbye, Rebecca. That felt like a whole lot of hello.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I don’t know what that was.” She crossed her arms and shifted on her feet. “I may be a little drunk.”

Such. A. Lie. Tipsy, maybe. Drunk, not so much.

He let out a breath and nodded. “Drunk. Okay, well, that is definitely my cue to leave.”

He stepped forward, and her heart nearly came to a stop in her chest. He was going to kiss her again. But Wes’s hand came up to cup the back of her skull, and he kissed the top of her head instead. “Get some rest and have a nice life, Rebecca. Hope you find something that sets you on fire.”

He stepped back and she deflated, a pang of embarrassment heating her face. Good Lord, what was wrong with her? She was acting like a hard-up fool with a man she definitely didn’t need to get involved with.

She gave him a tight smile. “Thanks. Sorry for the…weirdness. Hope you figure out the food-truck thing.”