“If you were in love in high school, what broke you up? Going to different colleges?”

He squeezed the back of his neck and let out a breath. “No. The shooting.”

Rebecca tilted her head. “What?”

“I didn’t ask her to prom because I was such a chickenshit, but that night, we were in the janitor’s closet. It started out as an argument—or her rightly telling me what an asshole I was. But by the time the shooters came in, we were kissing. I heard you scream, and…”

Her frown deepened. “And what?”

“I ran out to help. I left her in there, which led Joseph right to her. I almost got her killed.”

Rebecca’s expression fell into one of disbelief. “Jesus.”

He lowered his hand and shook his head. “I know. I thought it was okay. I thought she’d be safe in there. But…I wasn’t thinking straight. I left her vulnerable. And I put you at more risk because they weren’t after you. They were aiming at me, and you were collateral damage. I’ll never forgive myself for either.”

“Finn.” Rebecca reached out this time, taking his hand and forcing his attention upward. Her eyes were gentle, sad. “Don’t do that to yourself. You saved me. Trevor was aiming for me.”

“No, he—”

She shook her head. “I know he was, because I gave him good reason to.”

He blinked, confused. “What?”

“It doesn’t matter,” she said, her expression closing off and her hand slipping from his. “But Finn, don’t repeat the other mistake.”

“The other mistake.”

“You think Liv’s safe,” she said quietly. “She may even believe she’s safe. But I saw the way she looked at you today. I know that look because I used to look at you that way, too. If all you’re going to do is leave her again, she’s not safe. You’re leading the devil to her doorstep again.”

Finn’s skin went cold.

“You said it yourself. Falling for someone makes you reckless. Between you coming back into her world and our stupid letters, just…don’t let her upend her life anymore than she already has. You know better than anyone how hard she’s worked for hers. When you leave, she’s still going to be here. Alone. And now without a job.”

The icy feeling crawled up into his throat, making his mouth go dry.

“Hey, you two.”

Olivia’s bright voice jolted Finn out of the conversation, but the wash of dread remained.

“Wow, why so serious?” Olivia asked, carrying over a handful of rosemary sprigs and glancing between the two of them. “Everything okay?”

Rebecca was the first to manage a smile. “Yep. Just catching up and letting my wine wear off so I can head out. I have a long drive back into the city.”

“Yeah, it’s probably time we head out, too,” Finn said, trying to keep his voice neutral despite his darkening mood.

“Sounds good. Look, your mom let me steal some rosemary. I’m going to pot it and try to grow my own. I grabbed a few for Kincaid, too. You want some, Bec?” She held out a sprig.

Rebecca got up and lifted a palm at the offering. “Nope, I can’t be trusted with a plant. I once killed a cactus.”

Liv laughed. “Wow. That takes effort.”

“I know. It’s a gift.” Rebecca leaned over and gave Liv a quick hug. “But I’ll see you soon. Call me if you need anything.”

Liv gave her a curious look, but her smile quickly returned. “Sure. Same here.”

Rebecca headed out, and Liv turned to him. “Everything cool? She seemed in a hurry to get out of here. Did I interrupt?”

Finn cleared his throat and stood, tucking his hands in his pockets. “No. Just catching up.”