She murmured something in reply, but the vibration of her mouth on him only served to blend his brain further. His hands went to her hair, gripping for dear life, and she swirled her tongue around the head. Goddamn, he’d forgotten what a blow job felt like. Or maybe he’d never had one like this. Maybe Liv had some magical skill at making a man want to explode into a million blissed-out pieces because…damn.

She worked him slowly but in a way that said she wasn’t just marking time. Women who didn’t like giving head didn’t do the things she was doing, didn’t run their cheek over his shaft, didn’t nuzzle and lick and kiss every bit of him, didn’t run their finger along…

Oh. Oh.

He’d planned to warn her, but it was too late. With that last move, his verbal functioning shut down and every ounce of energy in his body zeroed in on the point of contact. His shoulders lifted up off the floor, and his hands gripped her head as he came in a hard rush.

He expected her to pull away, to back off, but she continued to pleasure him, making noises of her own and softening the pressure as he rode the wave down.

When he was done, his head sank back to the floor, and his belly rose and fell with ragged breaths.

The air shifted and her dress brushed him as she leaned over him. He opened his eyes to find her smiling down at him with red lips and after-sex hair haloing her face. “You okay, Batman?”

He grinned back up at her. “No, you’ve killed me. I’m now speaking to you from the great beyond.”

She laughed. “Is it nice there?”

“So nice.”

“Are there unicorns?”

He reached out and brushed his thumb along her lips. “You’re weird, Arias.”

“I know. You can be Oddly Hot. I’ll be Weirdly Sexy. We’ll be a crime-fighting duo.”

“Excellent. And sorry I didn’t give you fair warning before I came.”

“None needed.” She leaned down to kiss him, letting him taste himself on her lips and her flavor still lingering on his. He could get used to that combination. She eased back, straddling his stomach. “I like seeing you lose it like that. It’s a power trip.”

He chuckled. “Feel free to assert your authority anytime then.”

She fixed the strap on her sundress. “How much time do we have before we’re late? I’m going to need a quick shower.”

“You look perfect. Well-laid.”

She rolled her eyes. “Smelling like sex is not the first impression I want to give your parents. Shower is nonnegotiable.”

“Details, details. Fine. I will allow a shower.” He rolled her off him, and they both got to their feet, righting their clothes. But before she could escape him, he lifted her up and hauled her over his shoulder.

She yelped and slapped his back. “What are you doing?”

“I need a rinse, too. And if I’m going to pick up something to bring on the way there, we only have time for one shower. We’re going to have to share it,” he said, his tone gravely serious. “I’m being a responsible adult. Behave.”

She snorted. “Somehow, I don’t think this plan is going to work out.”

He smiled. “Don’t worry. All I’m going to do is make sure you’re very, very clean.”

“Good luck with that one.”

He laughed and carried her upstairs. “That’s okay. I like you dirty, Livvy.”



He liked her dirty. He liked her sweet. He liked when she got bossy and when she gave in. And he liked the way she’d made him feel when he’d opened up his door and realized she’d come back to him. He hadn’t quite understood what that feeling was when it’d first hit him, but as they showered and she flicked shampoo bubbles at him, he knew exactly what that feeling was.
