“Just used me for my body then?”

She looked up with a sly smile and slid her hand up his chest, those gentle fingers sending hot awareness straight downward. “Yes. It is quite a body.”

God, this woman. Even the simplest touch had him aching for her. He bent his head and kissed her, a little more than a peck this time. “I got the better end of the deal. And feel free to use me anytime. Right now, in fact. I’m very easy. Super-loose morals.”

She grinned. “Ooh, I love a man with loose morals. It’s at the top of my checklist. Too bad we have a lunch to go to.”

He ran his finger under the thin strap of her sundress and watched with fascination as goose bumps appeared along her skin and her nipples hardened beneath the cotton fabric. So sensitive. Sexy. “We have a little while until I’m supposed to be there. I was just leaving early to pick up dessert.” He dragged the strap down, revealing the top curve of her breast, and leaned down to kiss the smooth, tawny skin. “Maybe we should just have dessert here.”

Liv tipped her head back as he trailed kisses up her neck. She braced a hand on the doorframe, her body shuddering underneath his lips and his cock hardening in his pants. She let out a soft sigh. “I’m supposed to tell you no right now. That we’ll be late, and that will be bad. And that I’ll have after-sex hair, and that will be worse. But…”

“But?” he asked, sliding his hand into all that dark hair and cupping her neck.

“But…what was I saying again?”

He laughed softly and pulled her inside, shutting the door and then crowding her up against it. She didn’t hesitate or resist. Instead, she reached for him and pulled him in for a kiss, one arm looping around his neck and her other hand sliding between them to stroke him through his jeans. His knees tried to give out at the feel of her hand on him, but he managed to keep them both upright, kissing her back with a frenzied need he couldn’t staunch.

A throaty moan rumbled through her, like touching him was so damn satisfying, and his body went all systems go. He loved how responsive Liv was. No games. No pretending she wasn’t interested. Bold and brazen and hot as fuck.

It made his normal filters fall away. Flipped all his dirty switches.

“You want my cock, baby?” he said, moving her hand away and dragging her leg up to press his erection at the apex of her thighs. “You missed having me inside you?”

She groaned and rocked against him, sending jolts of pleasure up his spine.

He rutted against her slowly, torturing them both, and brushed his lips against her ear. “You should’ve called. I would’ve kept you company during those late work nights. Would’ve told you in filthy detail exactly what I was going to do to you when I saw you again, would’ve made you tuck your hand beneath your desk and stroke yourself between those pretty thighs while you came and no one else was the wiser.”

A hard shudder rumbled through her. “Shit. Finn.”

It was a plea. He reached beneath her dress and shoved her panties to the side. When he slipped his fingers inside, he found her slick and pulsing with heat. His erection pushed painfully against his zipper. “Christ, you’re sexy. You need to come, Livvy?”

She tapped her head back against the door. “Please.”

He released her leg and tugged her panties down and off. “Lift your dress for me, but don’t take it off. Show me where you want me.”

Her eyes blinked open, but her gaze was hooded, her cheeks flushed. Without hesitation, she grabbed the hem of her dress and slowly raised the skirt, joining in the dirty game. His heart pounded harder with each sweet inch she revealed. Long spread legs, high heels still on, and then all that pretty feminine flesh on display. His tongue pres

sed to the roof of his mouth, and he had to remind himself to breathe.

He dropped to his knees in front of her, gripped her thigh, and ran his tongue over her while sliding two fingers deep. She moaned, and her head hit the door again as she lifted up on her toes, offering everything she had to give.

He could spend hours there, worshiping at that particular altar. There was nothing more erotic to him than Liv Arias, dressed up like she’d just left a church luncheon but naked and spread for him from the waist down.

He kissed and licked and touched her, mapping her hot spots and committing them to memory because he planned to spend a lot of time this summer making Liv writhe and moan like this. Billings wanted him to take up a hobby. This was going to be it.

But when Liv started to gasp with the first throes of orgasm, his own body protested, screaming with arousal. She called out his name and rocked against his mouth, taking exactly what she craved and driving him wild with need. Blindly, he reached down and undid his jeans, freeing his erection and giving himself a stroke for relief as he continued to work her with his tongue.

Liv wasn’t shy with the noises she made, and she pushed him away gently when she couldn’t take anymore. He shifted to give her space, but when she opened her eyes and saw his hand working, she shook her head.

“Don’t,” she whispered.


She slid down to her knees, her skin glistening with a fine sheen of sweat. She grabbed his wrist and moved it away. “I didn’t get a turn last time.”


But she was having none of that. She crawled over him, leading him down onto his back, and then she lowered her head. He knew what was about to happen, but he was completely unprepared for the feel of her hot, soft mouth sliding over his cock. His neck arched, and he said some sort of gibberish word that had only vowels.